15. you like me

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EMBER'S VISION IS BLURRY, eyes blinking to get her sight clear. When she does, she realizes she's standing on a beach, feet digging into the wet sand. Tides push water towards her, water making the ends of her jeans soaked.

  Ember's confused. When did I get to the beach? Ember asks herself.

   It's quiet. No one there except Ember. A single seagull squawks above her. Yet, she realizes she can't feel any wind. Odd for a beach.

   "Ember!" Sarah's voice calls out from behind her. Ember spins, seeing the blonde girl running down the beach in a bikini top and shorts, a bright smile on her face. Emotions smack Ember in the face the closer Sarah gets. Why does she sound so happy to see her? They're not on good terms.

Sarah wraps her arms around Ember but it doesn't even feel like she's there. It's like Sarah is a ghost that has wrapped around her body.

   "Sarah?" Ember calls out the name as a question. Sarah pulls back, smiling at Ember, "I miss you."

   Ember takes a deep breath, "Uh—"

   "Do you miss me?" Sarah asks urgently. The Alastair's throat goes dry, gulping. She knows the answer to this. Yes, she misses Sarah Cameron. Who wouldn't?

"Yeah," Ember says in disbelief. Sarah's smile suddenly drops, "No, you don't. You're into a girl you just met. You don't miss me." The words don't sound bitter, they sound disappointed. "What? Eevee?" Ember is racked with guilt again. Another seagull flies over them and water reaches their feet again.

  "Yeah. Yelled at me about Topper yet you can't even trust yourself to smoke—too scared you'll fuck the new girl, yeah?" Sarah dips her head at Ember. The bitter tone Ember had expected shining through. "I'm not doing this," Ember whispers.

   "No, no. You're so desperate for anyone though. Any attention to make up for the lack of it from your family."

  "My family gives me attention," Ember corrects Sarah. The blonde girl smiles again, "Not that side. The one you crave validation from. The one that you share a name with," Sarah laughs. Ember blinks. It becomes obvious all the sudden. Sarah would never say shit like that to me, Ember thinks.

It's a dream, a nightmare more like.

It's her self consciousness coming through Sarah.

  "You crave validation from me yet push me away—from anyone that touches you the right way," Sarah rests the ghost of a hand on Ember's hips. Even if it's a nightmare, Ember takes in the touch, scared it's the last time Sarah Cameron will ever touch her.

   Ember closes her eyes. A gust of wind smacking her in the face.

   She snaps open her eyes only to feel the familiar comfort of John B's bed. Her vision is blurry like in the nightmare. Ember's eyes narrow on what looks to be the back of someone's head with blonde hair.

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