13. you don't know what you want

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SARAH CAMERON'S EYES HAVE been on her ceiling for hours. Ember has barely spoken to any of the Pogues, much less for Sarah herself.

She knows she fucked up a couple nights ago at The Wreck. Backing away from Ember when all she wished was to kiss her until their lips were bruised but something stopped her. Something always does.

Ember isn't a hook up to her, she isn't Topper. Topper was barely a hook up. Ember is her best friend. Ember is the person that knows Sarah better than she ever will.

Sarah's dated people. She's dated John B which ended because the two had too much turmoil and would always blame the other. Not enough effort or too much jealousy. They work better as friends.

Sarah doesn't want that to happen with Ember. She knows that. She knows she doesn't want to lose Ember but that's all she seems to do. Lose people because of fuck ups.

Ember is sad because of her though. That's not what Sarah wants. She wants to light up Ember's life just like she does hers.

"Knock, knock," Ward says, knocking twice, "I bringth food from the wonderful chef, Ace!"

Sarah wipes the tears from under her eyes, sitting up straight, "Come on," She says. Her dad opens the door, a plate of ribs in hand, "Figured if you weren't gonna leave bed.....ribs might cheer you up. Wanna tell me what's going on?" Ward places the plate on her nightstand. "Just—tired. It's senior year," Sarah makes up some excuse. Major lie. She barely gets homework nowadays.

Ward raises an eyebrow, "Wheezie told me she saw you crying into your pancakes this morning. Don't lie, Sarah," He gives a comforting smile. Sarah clenches her jaw. The prospect of her sexuality has never been brought up but her dad has mentioned that he wouldn't care. It's just still in the back of her mind sometimes.

"If I tell you it's over someone....," Sarah sniffles, legs untangling. "Over a boy? No one deserves my Sare-Bear," Ward says as he kisses her head. Sarah takes a deep breath, "I just keep...pushing them away. Like, what's wrong with me? They're right there and I—" Ward hands Sarah the plate of ribs and she takes it, taking a small bite of the delicious ribs Ember's stepdad prepared, "—I don't know. Maybe I'm stupid."

"Okay, well, you aren't stupid. Don't say that. You're going to college, sweetie. Listen, whoever it is—you need to talk to them. Problems aren't fixed unless you talk. I'm gonna give you some space. Eat your ribs and take your after school nap. I'll be at the Elliot's fishin' if you need me," Ward plants another kiss on Sarah's cheek and leaves her room.

Talk to her. How do you talk to a girl that has barely even talked to anyone in 3 days?

Sarah cries on her plate of ribs. Ember is more likely at her own house if she hasn't been talking to anyone, sitting with Elsa and discussing Sarah and her shitty actions.

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