12. a moment, a love

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IT FEELS LIKE THEY haven't been home in days as they approach the Elliot household, recovering from the events of last night.

   "Pope still mad at you?" Ember asks, getting her keys out. Gray shrugs, "Who knows? I just wanna lay down, pop on the Playstation and convince him to play Apex with me."

   With a chuckle, Ember gets the door open. The tippy taps of Elsa come rushing over to her as the shadow of a cat wraps around her legs. "Hiya, baby," Ember gushes, picking up the kitten, "Did grandma take care of you?"

  "Grandma has someone for you to see," Ace says, making the two teens jump because they didn't hear him come around the corner. "To see? What happened, dad?" Gray asks, petting Elsa. Ace's gaze falls to Ember, "Your aunt is here." Ember's blood runs cold. Every aunt except one hates Ember and hates the Elliot's. The teens share a worried look before following Ace into the living room.

  "Welcome home," Grace sighs, head tilting. There's a woman with auburn hair with her back turned at them. She looks over her shoulder, "Hey, Ember....and Gray."

   Ember calmed down, even a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, "Aunt Darcy." Uncle Paxter's wife, the same uncle that tried to kill Ember and Sarah and then ultimately died at the hands of Peterkin. The woman tries to smile but she looks scared, eyes moving everywhere. The relief in Ember turns to sourness. Darcy is terrified to be in this house. Ember heard through the grapevine that the funeral had happened, closed casket, obviously she didn't go. It wasn't because she hated her uncle, she didn't hate him. It was because she was scared to even dare to celebrate the man's life, what was left to celebrate in her eyes after what he had done.

   "Um, how are you?" Ember awkwardly asks, stepping closer to the couch her mom and aunt sit on. Probably the worst question to ask only a couple weeks after her husband is killed. Darcy fully turns now, "As good as I can be," She nervously chuckles.

   Gray stands right by Ember, the Playstation suddenly becoming unimportant. Ember nods her head slowly, looking around the room, eyes falling on family photos, "Have you seen Olive?"

  Though Aunt Darcy isn't Olive nor Gray's aunt, she's been the family member that still sends birthday cards for all three kids, the one that sends texts every so often. The Alastair's have known Gray since he was a kid and since Olive was adopted. Darcy smiles fondly, "Yeah, she's gotten tall!"

    "Darcy, for your own safety, we think it's best if you get out of here quickly. You know I adore you, I really do," Grace holds her hands, "But for your safety...."

   "Tell Ember quickly," Ace finishes.

   Terror strikes Ember's heart again, fists clenching as Elsa rubs her head against Ember's legs.

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