20. rotting

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SARAH CAMERON HAS BEEN sitting next to Emberlei's bedside since the night before.

It's the next day, middle of the afternoon and the rest of the Pogues have been in and out of her hospital room. Her parents and Aunt Lucie are asking everyone a million questions all day, trying to figure out everything. Gray is pissed, spewing curse words because they know exactly who did it. The Alastair's.

And when Ember wakes up, Sarah has to break some horrible news to her girlfriend.

The machine is beeping, letting Sarah know she's still alive. "Listen, I'm being called down to the station. Will you two stay here?" Grace rushes in. "Yeah, yeah, of course," Sarah reassures her, a hand encased in Ember's cold one. There's cuts all over her face and a bruise across her cheek. "What the hell do they want now?" Gray huffs.

Ace glares at her his son, "They have a few more questions—"

"Are they accusing you?"

"No, Gray, they aren't accusing us. Stay here. Let us know if anything changes," Ace sternly tells his son, sending Sarah a smile before he and his wife leave the room. Sarah is livid as well but her main focus is Ember—just make sure Ember is okay and wakes up. The doctors say she will, no doubt but it's been over 12 hours and Emberlei must be having a really good dream.

Gray huffs, sitting down in a chair opposite Sarah, "This is fucking ridiculous."

"I know, Gray."

"It's been nearly a whole day."

"I know, Gray," Sarah repeats, more annoyed. "They're gonna think Ace and Grace did it," Gray smacks the arms of the chair. "Maybe," Sarah whispers, just very tired but understanding the Elliot boy's anger. "They didn't do it," Gray whispers, running his hands over his face. Sarah just sighs, resting her head in Emberlei's lap.

Suddenly, her heart beat monitor beeps louder and faster and she stirs under Sarah. She shoots up, eyes darting all over Ember because she can't tell if she should call a doctor or not. Ember is groaning, tossing and turning until eventually, her eyes shoot open, landing on the ceiling first.

   Gray and Sarah share a panicked look. "Ember?" Sarah calls out. The girl hears Sarah's voice, eyes falling to the scared looking blonde. "Sarah?" Ember croaks out. Her whole body feels stiff, throat dry. Gray chuckles a bit, hand over his heart, "I'll get a doctor."

"Oh my God," Sarah giggles, hugging Ember who groans in response, "I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's okay," Emberlei tells her. She looks around and down, realizing she's in a hospital room as her senses come to her. It all hits her. What happened last night after prom, everything.

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