𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝟐

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after drinking another beer together without speaking to each other, john b went off to talk to some other people and dove went over to kiara.

"kie. kie kie kie kie kie kie kie." dove whispered in kiara's ear when she went up to her.

kie turned her head to look at dove.

"what?" kie raised her eyebrows.

"i have to tell you something."

"okay. sit."

dove sat down next to kiara.

"so what is it?" kie asked.

"bird and i...bird and i kissed." dove confessed.

kiara's eyes went wide. "what?"

dove nodded. "we kissed."

"oh my gosh, dovie, that's amazing!" kiara exclaimed.

"i know." dove smiled.

she then frowned. what was going to happen to them after this?

"hey. what is it? a minute ago you were ecstatic." kie said and nudged her.

"i mean i am. it was the best kiss of my life, but i have no idea what's gonna happen between us after this." she replied.

"i'm sure y'all will figure it out. i mean i don't think a kiss would ruin anything if y'all decided not to date." kiara assured.

but that was the problem. dove did want them to date. she did want to be with john b and the way he reacted to this kiss made it seem like he wanted to be with her too. but maybe he was acting that way just out of shock.

"yeah. yeah, i'm sure we'll—."

yelling and cheering interrupted kiara and dove's conversation.

they looked over to see a crowed forming around some people.

"guys! guys!" a voice exclaimed.

the two girls looked at each other, then ran over to see topper and john b fighting and pope trying to get john b to stop.

topper had kicked john b into the water.

"hey, john b, don't make me drown you like your old man, alright?"

dove clenched her fists. topper's such an asshole.

john b looked up at him and topper kicked him. john b jumped up and tackled topper to the ground.

"john b!" dove yelled.

everyone was yelling at them to fight and obviously, they did.

they were grunting and groaning as they were fighting and jj was encouraging it.

"jj stop encouraging!" dove exclaimed. "and john b, you have to stop."

but he didn't listen and him and topper continued fighting.

john b threw topper into the water and sarah yelled, "topper!"

"come on, topper! let's go!" john b yelled. "come on!"

topper got up and they continued.

topper advanced on john b and tackled him into the water.

"topper!" sarah shouted. "topper, stop! no!"

topper was holding john b'a head underwater.

"john b!" dove cried. "topper, you're gonna kill him!"

all of the sudden, jj was standing over topper with a gun to his head.

dove gasped and stepped back. all of the sudden she felt dizzy and couldn't breathe.

"hm. hm. hmmmm." she hummed.

the next thing she knew, jj was shooting the gun in the air and everyone was fleeing.

when they were all gone dove ran over to john b and scooped him up in her arms.

"oh my god, bird, are you okay? please be okay. please please please be okay." she begged

he opened his eyes slightly.

"i'm okay bird. thank you for coming and getting me."

she cracked a small smile. "you bet i'm gonna come get you bird."

then, he closed his eyes again.

she checked to make sure he was still breathing and had a plus.

she exhaled and cradled him in her arms.

she closed her eyes and started humming, holding john b for as long as she could.

the pogues asked if she needed help taking john b home, but she told them no and they left.

she ended up taking john b home and putting him down to sleep all by herself.

she crawled in bed next to him and fell asleep, still in her wet clothes.

i rlly need to eat food but i don't feel like it and idk what to do. life is great.

anyway question time!
1) do you like barry (personally i think he's hilarious)
2) what taylor song is jj (if you listen to tay)

𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐬 • 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐛 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞Where stories live. Discover now