part two

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It all happens in a matter of seconds that Steve doesn't notice. His friend pulls me away and pats Steve on the back.

"Leila, this is my best friend Bucky Barnes. It's been a while since we've been in the same country. He surprised me today but was late to the service or else he would've been my best man." Steve says but I can't keep my eyes off his friend. Bucky. I suddenly take this opportunity to look at Steve and gasp.

He's even more beautiful than I can imagine; his blond hair has shades of auburn from the sun and his skin has tiny freckles that outline his cheeks. Seeing this absolutely breaks my heart. It's not supposed to be this way. His piercing ocean blue eyes should be the one making me see color. Not this Bucky.

Who even is this man. I don't recall Steve ever mentioning a Bucky or seeing him ever. I'm standing there dumbstruck, unable to move. I realize Steve is waiting for a response and I clear my throat.

"It's nice to meet you," I say. I would say his name but I can't. Maybe if I pretend this is all a dream I'll go to sleep tonight and wake up back to seeing black and white.

Steve gives me a quick kiss and sees a relative call him over. "I won't be long. Please catch up. I told Bucky all about you and I know this is all new to you, Leila but trust me when I say you will love him." He touches my shoulder before leaving us.

The silence between us two is so loud I'm sure the band setting up on the stage can hear it. Why is this happening to me, of all days. I shake my head and gesture for Bucky to sit down at the table next to us. He nods in agreement and chooses the chair that's adjacent from mine. Our knees are almost touching and I fluff my dress out so it closes the distance between us.

"Steve has told me a lot about you," Bucky starts. It's clear he is just as nervous as I am. He doesn't want to be in this position. I can see it in his blue eyes. I travel my sight down his face, taking in his colorful features. It's all new to me. I should be experiencing this with Steve. Where we're both with colored vision.

"He's never once mentioned you. And I'd like to discuss the huge elephant in the room." I whisper the last part hoping no one hears. As far as everyone knows, I still see black and white.

Bucky nods and begins, "I've been away for so long that Steve and I keep in contact in simple ways. Emails. Letters. It's not a big deal if he hasn't mentioned me. I've known him my whole life but we've had our differences." He continues to look at me. Studying me like I just did to him. His eyes travel down towards my nose, my lips, and stops right at my neck.

I can feel the heat rising in my body as he keeps his eyes on my neck and then travelling back to my lips. I can't help but move my eyes to his lips. Pink and plump. He looks like he shaved a few days ago so the stubble is coming in. Wait, stop thinking about his shaving routine and get to the point, Leila. I think to myself.

"He can't know." I blurt out. "He needs to never know. It's my wedding day for crying out loud." Bucky nods and I can tell he agrees and wasn't planning on telling anyone. Keeping to his words he first told me a few moments ago.

He crosses his arms over the table and they're inches away from mine. My heart begins to beat faster and I curse myself. These feelings are new and I can't tame them. No matter how hard I try. Maybe if I act cold, it'll go away. I think again.

"Trust, me. I've lived many years and come to realize I will always see black and white. I think it's best if I go mingle elsewhere." He finally says, breaking the silence. His eyes move from my face to my chest and down my body as he takes in my dress and the colors he's finally seeing. It's as if he only wants to see me in color. His eyes haven't drifted anywhere else.

BLACK AND WHITE | BUCKY BARNES x OCWhere stories live. Discover now