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Six months later

Leila POV

"We have ten minutes left before we'll be considered late, Leila." Bucky yells from across the apartment. I'm slipping on my black heels before I yell back a muffled response.

It's a Friday evening and we're heading to a nice restaurant to meet up with everyone. Steve, Sarah, Nat, Bruce, Sam, and Bucky and I will be there.

Six months ago, Steve told me that he finally saw color with Sam's sister. Since then, it's been a whirlwind of figuring out our lives without each other closely in it.

It's been a long six months of attorney meetings with Steve and finalizing our divorce. Although we came to mutual terms on our assets, it still took a while for it to completely process.

Last Monday, we finally got the news that it was processed to completion. Leila Rogers was no more and I was able to go back to being Leila Irving and carving out a new future. I was beyond scared since the last 5 years, Steve was all I knew. This new path in life would be intimidating yet enticing, as Bucky reminded me constantly. 

With Nat being both of our friends and hearing the news, she decided that we needed a dinner party to celebrate. Steve and I just wanted to be done with the divorce and continue with our lives, but we couldn't say no to Natasha. So, we planned to meet tonight to celebrate our new paths in life with our soulmates.

"I'm ready!" I exclaim as I leap up from the chair I was sitting in and meet Bucky in the living room of our apartment.

I look around and smile at the small additions I've added since officially moving in with him this month. I wanted to slow things down after Steve moved out of our skyrise apartment five months ago and so I stayed until I was ready to move out on my own.

Steve was adamant about me keeping the apartment for myself, but I knew if I wanted to start a new life without constant memories of our marriage, I had to move out and go somewhere else.

That's when Bucky offered the idea to move in with him. I was hesitant at first and it took a few months before I caved and took the leap.

The last month has been nothing but amazing. Waking up and falling asleep with Bucky, having him bring breakfast to me in bed every weekend morning, and helping each other in our own personal journeys. He finally found a therapist he loves and so have I.

I'm excelling more than I've ever had in my career and officially took over Sam's position at the VA office. Bucky has been assisting Fury and Agent Hill on drafting training programs for new recruits and taking a step back on his active status in missions. We were still figuring out the logistics on whether or not we could completely free Bucky from the Winter Soldier trigger words.

"Wow," Bucky beams as he takes in my presence. I'm wearing a satin gold dress that hits at the ankles with a slit down the left thigh, paired with the black heels. I gawk at him back, admiring his outfit that consists of a matching black suit with golden details. He looks ravishing.

"Look at you," I reply, closing our distance and letting him pull me in for an embrace. He gives me a quick kiss before turning towards the door.

"Although I'd rather keep you here all night and take that dress off you, we're running behind schedule. The cab is outside." Bucky states as he grabs my black purse from the kitchen counter and hands it to me. I take it and follow him out of his apartment.

By the time we make it to the restaurant everyone is seated in similar formal attire. We're at a well known, expensive Italian restaurant that is dim lit inside and the ambience is soft and enchanting.

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