part twenty three

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Leila POV

    Bucky's motorcycle kicks up a mixture of sand and dirt as we come to a stop in front of a few beach houses lined up the coast. I'm not too sure where we are and Bucky wouldn't tell me when I asked, saying he wanted to keep it a secret until we go to see the view.

I enjoyed the ride though, holding onto him tightly and opening my eyes when I felt safe enough to. I've never ridden a motorcycle before, so I was definitely scared and nervous. Having Bucky as the driver eased my nerves as he yelled back directions for me to obey and made sure not to swerve too much.

The sun was setting as we flew down the roads and into a small town that was near the coast in upper New York. Although it wasn't the Hamptons, which I've only been to once with Steve on a whim, it was just as beautiful. It was reclusive and quiet, the only audible sounds being the slapping of waves on the shoreline.

The skies fluttered into a cotton candy-esque painting as deep pinks and purples dominated the once yellow and orange. It felt like a breath of fresh air being here with Bucky.

"Here," Bucky says as he leans the bike until he can kick the kickstand into place and get off the bike. He holds out his flesh hand and I take it, getting off the bike.

I take in his appearance and can't help but grin from ear to ear. He's not in his typical all black ensemble; he's wearing a white shirt today. I can't believe I didn't notice it earlier. I fluff out the bottom of my dress near my thighs and take his hand again as he leads up towards a small boardwalk through the beach houses and onto the beach, overlooking the water.

There are a few families still out on the sand and water as the skies illuminate a colored canvas for them. The wind is light and the humidity of the summer heat brings back memories of when I was little and went to the beach on the lake in Chicago with my parents. I hold back the emotions that are wanting to erupt in my chest and squeeze Bucky's hand.

He turns around and his eyes are sparkling with adoration and love. I can't help but smile back and shake my head of any negative thoughts. I let him pull me down the wooden steps and onto the sand.

We find our way towards a private area that has some chairs that's far away from the lingering families. We take a seat in them and stare at the waves before Bucky speaks up.

"Did Steve tell you what happened?" His voice is low and I can sense some hesitancy.

I shift in the wooden chair before turning to him, the wind brushing my hair against my face. I pull the strands behind my ear and answer him. "No, he came in with a bloody nose and some bruises."

Bucky looks down at his hands and then leans forward, collapsing his elbows on his knees and resting his head in his hands. "I'm sorry Leila, I didn't mean for it to get that far. He just got riled up after I told him we kissed."

"You did what?" My eyes widen and I sulk back in the chair, closing my eyes. I knew we'd eventually tell Steve about us, but to that extent? I didn't think we'd do that.

"I didn't know how much you told him!" Bucky rebuttals. "He told me that he knew everything about us after talking with you. I'm sorry, I just didn't want to keep any more secrets from him. He deserved to at least know that part."

I look at him and he lifts his head and meets my eyes. They're full of regret and despair, so I reach over and hold his metal arm. He moves so that we're holding hands.

It's a strange feeling, flesh and metal touching, but it's comforting when it's attached to the man in front of me.

"I know, and I agree." I confess. I take a deep breath and let it out. "When we talked last night, we definitely had our fall out and disagreements. But we eventually came to the conclusion that we can't keep living like this."

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