part eleven

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Steve POV

Our mission in Moscow ended up going well, despite not finding the Takers. We were able to find the majority of the serums and take them to Fury when we ambushed the warehouse.

It was odd to hear Bucky wanting to go home after our warehouse mission, but I understood that he didn't want his past to catch up with him.

I can't imagine going through life brainwashed for many years and having the fear that those instincts might pop up anytime. He mentioned once in an email how after he spent time frozen in Wakanda, they gave him his new arm and was attempting to heal his mind from the Winter Soldier programming. I haven't had time to ask if it worked or not.

After finding out that the Takers contacted Zemo, Sam and I decided to go to Berlin and figure out what Zemo knew. The Takers were either in Russia still or starting a new radicalized movement in Germany.

All I could think about for the last few days were Leila and how I let her get abducted and beaten. It was all my fault. She's my wife and I didn't protect her. I knew deep down ending our honeymoon in Russia was going to end badly, and it did.

I haven't spoken to her for a few days, which is normal for us whenever I'm focused on work. But I do miss her voice and her presence. Nat always jokes around about how clingy I can get sometimes when it comes to Leila. But I love her so much, ever since I bumped into her running the morning we met.

It's a rainy afternoon in Berlin as Sam and I take a car to the Berlin prison where Zemo is at. Nat was busy finding out more information about the Takers and where they could be in Berlin, so it was just us two.

The car rolls up to the section of the city that holds the prison. There are chain-linked fences surrounding the area and guard towers on every corner.

Sam and I show the guard at the gate our undercover badges that Fury gave us to allow us to go in and let the guard know that we're visiting an inmate. He presses a button in the small enclosure and the gate lifts up with a creaking sound. He waves us on and announces on his walkie-talkie about us coming in to the guard at the other gate in front of us.

We put the car in park in a small lot to the right and Sam and I get out.

"This is going to be interesting," Sam says as we walk towards the main gate that allows us to enter the prison.

I shake my head and shrug, "Let's just get the information we need and get out." I reply.

Sam nods his head and we get to the gate and enter the building. We have to do the normal security scanners and pat down. We're dressed as civilians, acting as undercover agents, just in the event that a guard saw us in our tactical uniforms and posts about it. We didn't want the Takers to know we visited Zemo.

After having to go through multiple concrete doors for security purposes, we're finally in an enclosed room with three metal chairs surrounding a long metal table. Sam and I take a seat at the two chairs on one side of the table and we wait.

Suddenly, a loud sound echoes inside the room as the door on the other side jolts open and Zemo appears. His hands and ankles are handcuffed and he's escorted by a guard and brought towards the table. The guard sits Zemo down on the chair across from us and adds another set of handcuffs to his wrist, bounding him to his chair unable to move.

"Gentlemen," Zemo drawls in his Sokovian accent. His eyes are drooped and he gives us a small grin.

"Cut the crap," Sam says, breaking the silence after Zemo's introduction. "We know the Takers paid you a visit. We need to know what they're up to."

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