part twenty two

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Bucky POV

    The impact of Steve's fist in my jaw is less to none, but I still feel my body sway from the sudden movement. My feet falter back and I try to reclaim my ground as Steve leans more and clenches the fabric of my shirt near my collar and pulls me towards him.

    Sam is still in the kitchen humming along to the loud music that is coming from where he's at, unaware of his two best friends in a brawl.

    "Steve-" I breathe out, my hands grasping at his wrists that's still holding my shirt. "I thought she told you everything."

My jaw is tight and I can still feel the sting from the punch. Even though we're both super soldiers, we still feel hard blows like a slap which leaves a stinging feeling.

    Steve's eyes are turning dark with an undertone of hurt. He doesn't blink as he answers me. "You kissed my wife?! What else did you do to her?"

    I blink slowly and try to steady my breathing. My hands are still wrapped around his wrists, as his hold gets tighter and he pulls me in closer. Our faces are inches apart and I can feel his anger seething out of him.

    I shake my head and try to think of a lie, but I can't. Maybe I can tell him the truth mixed in with a little white lie. The perfect cocktail to keep him at bay, yet safe from the whole truth.

Although he deserves to know the truth about how far Leila and I have gone intimately, it wouldn't do any good for either of us.

    "We kissed, Steve. It all happened so fast, and like I told you. This wasn't something I could control!" I confess. "Ask Leila, yourself. This isn't what we wanted to happen, but it did."

    His gaze falters as he registers the words I'm confessing. I can see his thoughts whir in his mind as he attempts a comeback. "You're my best friend, I thought you'd at least respect me enough in that aspect."

    His words hit me to my core. Steve, of all people, should know that I never meant to hurt him or take Leila away from him. Steve should know by now that I didn't care about my future.

I've been through enough lifetimes of hurt that I didn't even think I deserved a love like this. The universe had a fucked up way of telling me that I did deserve love.

    "Steve, you know that I respect you and always will." I reply as my metal hand grabs tighter on Steve's right wrist. Steve winces as he feels the pressure of the metal squeeze his super soldier bones.

    Steve may be a super soldier like me, but I've had more practice with my strength. I've had years of experience to perfect my defensive play; Steve is no match for my ex-hydra skills that are ingrained in my body and mind. Steve knows this, so why is he trying to fight?

    "No, you don't!" Steve yells as he lifts his left hand out of my flesh hand's grasp and swings again, knocking my jaw. His feet move to kick me off the ground and we both crash into the floor.

    Sam finally hears the loud bang of our bodies hitting the floor and he comes running into the living room. "Steve! Bucky! What the hell is going on?!"

    His screams are drowned out as Steve continues using his left hand to punch me and I continue squeezing his right hand with my metal arm. The sounds of the metal whirring around his hand is loud, as are the punches Steve is landing on my cheeks.

    I can see Sam in my peripheral pacing back and forth, debating if he should even attempt to drag Steve off me. I give him an answer as I grunt and lift my hips up, pushing Steve off to my left side. He falters and lands heavily on his back. My metal arm still holding his, I roll over and pin him down.

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