part fifteen

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Leila POV

Shit. Steve. I brush my hair quickly with my fingers, trying to tame any loose strands before I put my hand on the door knob. I glance behind me quickly and see Bucky breathing hard, his face full of worry. We keep forgetting about the world around us whenever we're alone.

I open the door just in time as Steve walks two feet away from the bathroom and he looks up, with a dumbstruck expression on his face. I only open the door enough for my body to show, but I feel a tug on the door as Bucky pulls the rest of the door open, revealing himself.

"Bucky," Steve breathes quickly, his eyes averting from me and then to his best friend. I can see his eyes flicker to a million thoughts, unsure what to ask just yet.

"Hey, babe," I say nonchalantly. I close our distance and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a hug. His arms are lifelessly hanging on his body as I hug him. It's awkward and pitiful.

"I told her we needed to check for any scars or blood after what happened," Bucky quickly pipes up behind me. I can feel Steve's head shift as he looks up. I pull back and turn to be on Steve's right side. I can hear the chatter of Sam and Nat in the background down the hallway.

"Thanks, Buck," Steve says with a deep breath. He leans in and gives Bucky a half hug and Bucky smiles. I quickly catch Bucky's eyes as he finishes the hug, I can tell he is thinking What the fuck do we do and I just give him a small shrug.

Steve turns towards me, takes me in, he looks at me up and down and then stops at my neck. His eyes flicker sideways as he registers the bruises tainted on my skin; he's unable to see the color of them to know how fresh they are luckily. He steps closer to me and gently holds my face in his hands.

"I'm so sorry." He breathes into my hair as he leans down to kiss my forehead. I shake my head slowly and I can feel tears forming.

"I'm okay, Bucky didn't mean to," I confess. I bite my lip the moment it comes out. Steve halts where he's at and then slowly pulls away from me and stands tall. Shit. He probably thought it was Zemo that gave me the bruises.

"Wait, what-" Steve asks in confusion. He stares at my neck again and then at Bucky. Suddenly, his eyes travel down to the vibranium arm. Steve's fists clench and his breathing fastens.

"Steve!" I try to get his attention but he's already lunging at Bucky.

Bucky's eyes widen at the sudden realization of what I confessed to Steve. That Bucky hurt me and gave me the bruises on my neck. It was true, but he was brainwashed.

"You hurt Leila?" Steve grunts as his fist flies in the air, aiming for Bucky's jaw. But Bucky is fast and catches his fist with his flesh hand.

"No, Steve. You need to listen. It wasn't me. It was him." Bucky says quickly, his voice stuttering as he uses his strength to hold Steve's fist.

We hear footsteps behind us and it's Nat and Sam running over.

"Hey! What's all the ruckus?" Nat screams as she takes in Steve and Bucky almost fighting and tearing each other apart. Her arms grab mine and pull me back against her, in case a full out fight occurs.

Sam runs behind Steve and pulls him off Bucky after a few tries. "What's your issue, Rogers?"

"Look at her!" He points at my neck. Sam looks and his eyes widen, able to see the blueish tint on my neck. "He did that."

"Steve, no. Zemo used the words and made me turn." Bucky says, backing into the bathroom door with his hands raised in surrender. "I could never hurt her."

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