Thank you.

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Okay so let's keep this short and sweet. I want to thank every single one of you for supporting me all the way from this madness. A lot of you contacted Wattpad even called them, but unfortunately once a story get's taken down it cannot be restored and I know that left you all gutted.

Then I came across messages that most of you could still read the story and have access to it which I had no idea that was even possible. It was, because of you all I got to copy and paste the story again (made a few adjustments of course) and it's back online!!

Now I would like to get a few things straight.

After announcing that there's hope for my story to be back online, the lady (who reported me and who I blocked) made another account, she's practically stalking me and still threatened to take down my story if it's uploaded again. I don't know why she hates me when I've done nothing to her but I guess humans can be cruel sometimes. Now let me clear something up.

I suggest you read my first story History, clearly you haven't if you're making false accusations that I've stolen someone else's work.

In History 1 it has been mentioned that:

- Y/N worked alongside Howard, Steve and James
- They MET at a bar
- Steve is a virgin who's shy and eventually blossom's
- Y/N is basically a replacement of Peggy

The chapters are basically detailed stories from the flashbacks already mentioned in the first book. So all these containing is my original idea, you must be delusional if you think otherwise. There are dozens of stories that is mentioned in the 'bar/pub' that's shown in Captain America, as it's part of the film so I don't get how that's copying? Anyway, a lovely creator I met on tiktok, we became friends and a lot of people have accused her story of being a rip off to History, I defended her all the way because it wasn't fair, I was not the first person to create a poly with Steve and James. So it wasn't fair for people to attack her for this. Long story short we spoke it out and she decided to make a story of her own with Steve and James.

Without even reading her story this 'reader' came across to find out that one of my chapters was similar to hers and this is what got my story taken down. I had no idea of this and I even spoke to the author of the book and she understood. Now I KNOW, I made changes to the chapter out of respect for the author of the book, so now it shouldn't be copyrighted, however the 'reader' is still on my case saying it is.

I don't care what she says, I stayed true to myself and worked hard on this book and I was so proud of it because I know how much you guys loved the storyline between these three. If she wants to keep tearing me down she can, because in the end jealousy is a real disease and I hope she gets well soon.

Back to the love, thank you all for standing by me and supporting me all the way, your support does not go unoticed. Be kind to each other. We're not suppose to tear each other down, in this fandom we only spread love and positivity.

Do what ya'll always do, I love your comments on certain lines it always makes me laugh! Some of ya'll are wild!

P.S, I apologise the mood boarders will be blurry, this is due to saving it from a word document someone sent me!

I love you 3000 <3

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