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- 1941 -
Your birthday.

  Your eyes flutter open as the sunlight shone through the blinds. You were laying between your two boys, James was spooning you from behind while Steve was cuddling up in front of you his hand holding yours. Your naked bodies keeping each other warm under the sheets. You lean closer to Steve placing a soft kiss on his lips causing him to wake up. His sleepy blue eyes met yours.

Y/N: "Good morning, handsome"

He smiles back at you.

Steve: "Morning, birthday girl"

James shuffles his body behind you, You slowly turn around laying on your back, your hand trails to his cheek caressing it softly. He kisses the palm of your hand slowly opening his eyes.

James: "Happy birthday, doll"

Y/N: "Birthday girl wants her birthday treat"

You tease kissing along James jawline but he slowly pushes you away chuckling, him and Steve both sat up on the bed, as you look at them confused.

Steve: "I'm sorry baby but me and James promised we would help with a mission, I know it's your birthday but hopefully it won't take long and we should be done by noon"

You frown looking over at James as he slides his fingers through your hair pulling you in for a kiss.

James: "We'll be back before you know it doll"

They both stand up and started getting ready, you slip out of bed throwing on a night robe. They were in a rush. James came up first kissing you before pulling away, Steve did the same before they disappeared. You knew you had to find something to do until they got back. Eventually it passed noon and they still weren't here. They promised. You had a feeling they were going to be stuck at work for a while, You were worried maybe they won't come at all. Leaving you alone on your birthday, not that it mattered. You were use to spending your birthday's alone. You just thought maybe it was going to be different. You decided to go meet some friends from work and have a coffee.

The sun started to set, you returned back home. You call out for the boys but they still weren't home. You walk to the bedroom putting your bag down as you notice a white box, that weren't there when you left you were certain of it. You open the box finding a dress inside with a note at the top labelled For our angel . You opened the note and read it.

Angel,  Now that the sun is about to set, 
Can you remember the location where we first met? 
- J & S x

A soft smile appeared on your lips, they bought you a dress to wear on your birthday and gave you a location to go too, of course you knew where you first met, it was the bar. You put on the beautiful red dress they bought you and dolled yourself up finishing your look with red lipstick before heading out. The bar was only 5 minutes away.

Once you got there you took a look around, they weren't here. An old man came towards you with a bouquet of roses, your favourite. He hands it to you and said "I've been told this is for an angel"  You smile at the man taking it.

Y/N: "Thank you" 
You notice a note attached to it, opening it it said:

Roses are red, violets are blue 
Where did we first say I love you? 
-J & S x  

You roll your eyes playfully, they were for sure playing with you now. You look down at the flowers taking in the smell, they were so beautiful. You walk out of the bar and ahead of you was the park, the part of the private garden where you first exchanged your  I love you's.  You take a look around until you notice a woman walking towards you with a small gift box in her hand.

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