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TW: Miscarriage.
- 1941 -

One day you woke up in your own bed, in your own home. The boys were away for a couple of days for a mission they couldn't miss. You stand up from your bed as nausea came crawling up to you. You ran to the toilet leaning over as you started throwing up. The throwing up has only started a few weeks ago, you just thought you were coming down with a cold, but every time you threw up you felt better, it just didn't seem right.

Everything about you felt different, your senses, your emotions even your stomach, you always felt bloated and you thought it was due to eating. You decided to go pay the doctors a visit. At the back of your mind you thought what if you were pregnant, you needed to go get checked just for confirmation.
You're laying on the hospital bed as the doctor comes up towards you with papers in his hand, he sits besides you flashing you a smile.

"You're pregnant dear, 4 months in"

Your eyes widen at his response.

Y/N: "4 months?! How am I 4 months and I don't look it?"

You feel up your stomach, you could feel a bump there but it certainly wasn't what a 4 month bump would look like.

"Everyone's stomach grows differently, some women start off with nothing for the first few months and suddenly they notice a massive growth change, it's normal dear"

You then nod smiling.

Y/N: "Thank you, doctor"

You slowly sit up dangling your feet off the bed.

"You can leave when you're ready!"

You trace your hand down your stomach, you were happy, in fact joyful that you had a little being growing inside you, the only thing that was tough is you don't know who the father is. This was going to be hard to break the news to the boys, but you were sure, certain in fact they were going to be happy either way.

You were going to find a way to make it work, one way or another. You make your way home just mentally planning how you were going to tell them, they were coming back tomorrow. You thought maybe you would pop to the market and buy a baby shoe gift wrapping it for them to open.

Just the thought of that brought a smile to your face. Right now you just needed rest. Once you got home, you close the door behind you and the state of the house made your face drop. Your house was completely raided. Furniture flipped upside down, glass and objects just shattered everywhere.

Y/N: "Hello?"

You call out and suddenly your father comes out from his office. Your eyes widen once you see him.

Y/N: "Father.. you're home.."

You state as you walk towards him, he didn't speak. He just had a cold look on his face, if looks could kill, you'd be dead by now. You look down at his hand noticing he was holding a picture, it then clicked. He found your carnival picture with the boys.

Y/N: "Father just let me explain-"

Frank: "DON'T!"

You startle at his loud voice screaming at you, he walks towards you holding the picture up between his fingertips.

Frank: "Do not even tell me they are just your friends, if you are anything like your mother I wouldn't second guess that you slept with them too"

You start to tear up, just by your face he could tell exactly what you'd been up too. He saw it all.

Frank: "With the enemies?! How could you do this to me y/n?"

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