Gold? Barry? Meds?

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"Hold up so you guys were out after the storm and found a boat? Then went diving with Sarah's kit and found a compass from John B's missing Dad and you didn't tell us?!"
I shout in utter shock "you and Sarah were at the beach clean up! What was I supposed to do? It isn't a big deal because I'm telling you now!" John B shrugs his shoulders like it didn't matter.

Sarah scoffs "please not a big deal this is about your father and the royal merchant for god sake! Why didn't you tell us?!" I've never seen Sarah so mad , her eyes looked liked they were going to pop out of her skull.
"Also why did you tell them not to tell us?" I point to JJ, Kie and Pope who knew everything already.
JJ pretended he didn't know why John B wanted to talk to us after work.
"Because I wasn't sure if it was even true! You know about my father wanting to find the royal merchant! I didn't know if I wanted to pursue what my father left me!" John B shouts at me , I look shocked as I hadn't raised my voice I was just asking a simple question.
Sarah rolls her eyes at John B and his attitude.

"Don't shout at Kat! I'm the one shouting!
you want to be a dick to someone be a dick to me not her!"
Sarah looks raging like she's going to boil over any second.
"God your so over dramatic!" John b states with a huff .
Sarah gets even more angry "you know what I'm done fuck this" she walks off not knowing where she was going .
She knew she didn't want to go home.
John B runs his hands down his face in defeat.
"I'll go get her and make sure she's ok , if you want to pursue this treasure hunt I'm in" I nod at john b and the others as I follow Sarah.

"Wait Kat! I'm sorry ok I shouldn't of shouted at you like that" John B tries to catch me up .
I turn and look at him "it's fine JB I've got to go" I carry on trying to find Sarah.
Surely she couldn't walk that fast .
I hear sniffing and I turn she was sat against a randoms wall hiding between there bins.
"Sarah are you ok?" I ask gently sitting next to her.
"No, since mine and John B's chat before the beach clean up he's been distant and I don't know what to do!" She cries as she holds her face.
I put my arm round her trying to comfort her.
"What was the chat about Sarah? It couldn't of been that bad?"
She looks at me was a sad frown "I talked to him because he was acting strange and being secretive like he was keeping something from me? And then after our chat it was fine like at the party it was good but then he went all weird again" she confesses.

"Oh Sarah , Jb is going though a lot right now and so are you maybe you guys just need to relax a bit to try and get back to normal?" I suggest and she nods .
"I'm just hurt you know he told everyone but me his girlfriend about what he found!" Her eyes were swollen and red from crying .
"He didn't tell me to?" I teased and she chuckled .
"He's sorry Sarah I know he is you just need to give him a chance to make it up to you , because he does really love you" she agrees and then huffs "where the fuck am I going to stay I can't go home my Dads still angry about me running off and it awkward between me and JB right now"
I smile at the girl and roll my eyes playfully
"I guess I just don't exist now" I laugh and she pushes me gently also laughing.

"Wait so I can stay at yours for a bit?" Sarah's asks seriously.
"Yes of course Sarah your my best friend!" I get up helping her up also.
"Shit I need to go back home I need my tablets" she huffs in annoyance and frustration.
"What tablets? maybe I have them at mine?"
I turn to the girl to see her go kinda awkward.
"Their um when you were gone I went through a rough time so John B helped me see a doctor and they gave me sertraline" I nod at her not judging her what so ever .
"It helps anxiety and depression , their in my room in my top draw"
She starts to look sad yet again at the thought of going home .

"You go to mine and I'll go get your tablets"
She looks at me in shook that I would do that for her.
"But how will you get in?"
"I've been sneaking in and out of your house for years Sarah Cameron" I smirk at the thought of younger me and Sarah sneaking off to a party .
"Are you sure about this? My Dad is probably mad at you too" I laugh and put one hand on her shoulder looking at her seriously.
"Ward Cameron has told me off many times before Sarah I'll be fine" I reassure her and she nods .
"Thanks Kat like really thank you I don't think I've ever had a best friend as good as you" she smiles honestly.
"Yeah I get that a lot" I boost laughing as we reach my house .

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