Take me back.

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"What do you want?" Kat opened the door to see Jeremy standing there with flowers.
"I'm sorry for being a jealous boyfriend" he held the flowers out to me.
"One thing, your not my boyfriend" I shut the door in his face, walking into the kitchen.
I hear the door open, great.
"You know this is called breaking
and entering-" I turn seeing him stood their, the flowers on the counter top.

"I'm a dick and I really want you back Kat, i know a apology isn't good enough, but actions are so I'll do anything to get you back" he smiled at me brightly.
"You had a right to be jealous, he's my ex and he beat you up twice. I can see why you were angry" Kat huffed feeling exhausted. She hadn't seen Rafe in a few days not since their little argument about the night they shared.

I wanted to tell Jeremy what happened but I couldn't.
It was a mistake plus they weren't together when it happened right?
"So does this mean you'll take me back?" He pouts walking up to me slowly.
"Maybe-" I whisper playfully, his arms wrap around my back lifting me up to kiss him.
"Let me take you on a date tonight" he begged slightly.

"I can't I've got so much revision to do" I huff a little, I wanted to spend time with him.
But I couldn't.
"Oh did I tell you that they found out who the thief is- apparently their in custody but they haven't released any details or who it is" Jeremy picked at some grapes that lay in the fruit bowl.
"Oh really?" I try sound genuinely interested but I knew who it was. My Dad.

A few weeks later.
I still hadn't heard from Rafe, I wasn't surprised at all.
I stopped by his house but he wasn't in, I left messages and phone calls but he didn't reply.
Me and Jeremy were in a good place again which I was overjoyed about.
I was currently walking past the club, I'd just picked up some lunch, it was Jeremy's treat. He was working all day and wanted to make sure I got a good lunch.

I had 30 minutes left of my college lunch break.
"What do you mean it hasn't gone through?" That's when I hear Rafe's voice.
He was talking to Shroupe, he was angry.
"If they don't want to come in and stand in court to say they forgive you then theirs nothing we can do" the man shrugged and Rafe scoffed walking off.
His eyes catch mine but he doesn't have any other expression then anger written on his face.

I gulp walking past him as he opened his car door getting in the vehicle.
Well that was tense. I knew I was the reason why he was mad. He just didn't know it.
He doesn't know that I wrote the statement that put him away.
I walk back to college finishing the day.

I start to walk home when a car pulls up next to me.
"So your back with lover boy then" it was Rafe. Of course it was.
"Yeah" I shrug causally trying to keep my cool, he made me so mad sometimes.
"Does he know?" He chuckled a little, god sake. Leave me aloneeee.
"Know what?" I play dumb, almost liked I'd forgotten about the night we shared.
"About us sleeping together" he looked me up and down with humorous eyes.

"It was just a mean less fuck? Why would I?" I challenged, he scoffed a little.
"We know that isn't how you felt" he poked the bear further.
"Is that so? I pretended you were him when we were fucking" ouch. I saw his face scrunch up sourly.
"I'm sure" he said sarcastically.

"Why are you so bothered about my life when yours is falling apart? How's the 'please forgive me for nearly beating you to death and scaring all of you witnesses thing?' , I'm guessing it isn't going well so I'd focus on that if I was you" I fake smile at him and his jaw clenched, he rolled his eyes driving off.
"Bye then!" I wave laughing a little.

3 weeks later:
"Again?" I open the email, it was from the police about Jeremy's case. Rafe applied it again.
The email wanted to me to sign some waver thing saying I'll stand up in court, to formally give Rafe along with Jeremy and the other witnesses.
I obviously declined the offer many times but the same email just kept coming through.

"What?" Jeremy out his head on my shoulder looking over at my computer.
"Oh yeah I got that too" he sighed kissing my cheek.
"What did you do?" I ask causally, trying to seek unfazed.
"I accepted it for the 100th time but without all the other witnesses it doesn't mean anything" my eyes widened a little. He wanted to stand up in court and forgive Rafe? After everything he's done?

"Why? You hate him?" My voice picks up some speed as I whip round facing him.
"Because I just want this to be over, he clearly wants it 'the forgiveness' for some reason, I'm hoping he fucking pisses off when he gets it" the brunette shrugged a little.
"Why what did you say?" He sat on the sofa putting up his feet.
"I declined it" I speak quietly shutting my laptop, I was so tired of this but I couldn't do it.

He'd never actually forgive me and I don't think I can live with that.
He says he doesn't forgive me for not going with him months ago but- this, this would crush him if he found out.
"Fair enough" Jeremy narrowed his eyes at the girl. It annoys him that Kat wouldn't tell the truth to Rafe. He couldn't understand why? Especially if she said she didn't care for him anymore.
"I'm going out with Sage, so I'll see you later yeah?" Kat grabs her bag putting it over her shoulder.

"Yeah have fun" he smiled a little as Kat locked the door.
Jeremy was trying to be better but deep down he couldn't be when it came to Rafe. He felt threatened.
He stood up walking over to her computer, he opened the screen up seeing the email still there. Unsigned.
Without thinking he clicked the :accept:
Box, before sending it.
"Shit-" he gulped a little, Kat would kill him if she knew he'd just signed her up to stand in court.

He quickly shut down the laptop before leaving the house. He met up with JJ and Pope.
His mind constantly thinking about what he just did.
He felt bad, he let his jealousy win.

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