Uninvited guest.

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3 weeks later: I visited Rafe every week, three times a week.
"Hey stranger" I open Rafe's door strolling into the kitchen.
"Hey-" he sighed, he looked exhausted.
He sat in a chair man spreading with his hand on his eyes.
"What's wrong?" I walk over, my eyes filling with worry. My first thought was coke.
Was he using again?

"One of the witnesses declined to make a statement so I'm going to have to appeal- meaning I'm going to be here a lot longer then i would've liked" ouch. I thought he was happy with me coming round. I guess he just wants to leave.
The witness is me.
"Has Ward given you work to do from home?" I questioned, I grab him a water from the fridge.

"Yeah but I'd rather be out of here as soon as possible" he groaned, his voice had agitation in it.
"That's sucks-" I go to try comfort him but he chuckles cutting me off.
"Sucks? It's fucking shit- I fucking hate this island" he growls, standing up. Ok that hurt just a little.
"Have you had lunch?" I try change the subject, how was I meant to react?

How could I comfort him when I'm the reason he has to stay here longer.
How could I tell him it's horrible when I feel the opposite to how he's feeling.
"No-" he turns looking at me, his eyes narrowing as he tilts his head.
He steps closer to me, my breath hitches in my throat as I let him come closer.
His finger tips run across my collarbone softly, I swallow harshly.
"What are you doing-" I warn him, my voice unsteady.

"How's Jeremy" he taps a spot just above my shoulder, I look seeing a hickey.
I was almost embarrassed, I didn't want him to see. Not because I don't want him knowing I have sex but that I have a partner.
He already knew about Jeremy yet I treated him like he didn't.
Always covering anything before coming over.

"He's fine" I state, I pull my hoodie up my shoulder covering the marks.
"I bet" he laughed, I watch as he walks over opening a glass of whiskey.
He poured it into a cup with ice "you want one?" He offered. Some how I knew that if I did take him up on the offer, then this would end very badly.
"I'm good thanks" he was acting different from the last few weeks I've been round.
"I'm busy tomorrow so, I'll see you next week" he stated coldly.

Next week? It was only Tuesday today.
"Doing what?" I scoff, I didn't trust him to make good decisions when he was like this.
"Whatever I want to" he challenged back, swigging the last of his drink.
"Fine have fun!" I roll my eyes walking towards the exit.
That's when he grasps my arm turning me round "do you regret anything? Regret what you said months ago?" His voice was unsteady, this just came out of no where.

Why was he bringing this up?
He was obviously drinking before I got here- he was drunk off his ass.
"I don't want to talk about this right now-" I tell the swaying boy.
"Why? Got somewhere else to be? You got to go see Jeremy?" His voice was calm but full of hurt.
I take my arm straight out his grasp.
"Your drunk! Stop being a pain in the ass" I grab the empty cup out his hand.
It was only 3pm.

"Sorry Mom!" He giggled and I shook my head in annoyance.
"Let's get you to bed" I take his arm leading him upstairs, he basically fell up most of them, I had to drag him back up.
He collapsed onto a sofa that lay in the hallway upstairs.
"You know it's been 10 years today- since my mom died, I'm 21 and she's been gone for 10 years" his voice was slurred and saddened.

"She's gone and I never got to
say goodbye-" he choked a little, I grab him a pillow and a blanket making him comfortable.
He didn't get to say goodbye? Was that why he was so mad at me for leaving for London? I didn't tell him, he didn't get to say goodbye to me.
"Sleep it off and then we'll talk" I sadly smile going to go downstairs, that's when his hand wraps around mine.

"Stay-" he blinked trying to keep his eyes open, I sit next to him, he moved up giving me room to lay but I wasn't feeling like sleeping at that moment.
I sat and rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand as he fell asleep.
Hours later: 7pm.

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