Make up sex

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We get back to my house, Sage instantly runs inside, clearly picking up on the uncomfortable vibes.
"What the hells wrong with you?" I raise my voice as I turn around to Rafe who was in the back seat man spreading.
"Me? What the fucks wrong with you?" He laughed at me.
This Mother fucker-

"You've got a bee in your bonnet because I went to see JJ- jealous are we?" I turn back not giving him any attention.
This jealousy thing was annoying and I wouldn't put up with it any longer.
"I'm not jealous or mad that you went to see him ok!" He huffed out in frustration, my brows frown a little.
There was a pause, he decided to fill it.
"I'm mad that you didn't tell me! I wouldn't of stopped you!" His hands slap down onto his knees.

"Bullshit! Yes you would! You've been jealous of JJ since we started sleeping together" I cross my arms over my chest continuing to look forward.
"I don't give a fuck about that Asshole- you left me at the wedding like the fucking groom!" He gets out Sages side slamming the door.
My teeth grind together.
I get out following him "your being dramatic-" I call out and he turns to me before entering my house.
"Don't tell me that I'm being dramatic- I'm the only one who knows how I feel not you! So don't fucking tell me what to feel" he puts his hand up as he talks.

"Your mad because I left you at the wedding so what?" I shrug in annoyance and he grumbles.
He finally walks past me.
I follow him with my eyes- this bitch was getting back in the car.
"Ok fine then leave- real mature" I call out, I watch as he opens the car pulling out his phone that he'd obviously forgotten, waving it in my face.
"I'm annoyed because you clearly don't trust me enough to even tell me where your going- this whole relationship thing is about trust" he strolls past me.

"How can I trust you?! You are jealous of him!" He stops dead in his tracks, his back still facing me.
"My jealousy stopped the second I ripped your dress off at midsummer-" he turns his head towards me, he then spoke again.
"You could've told me-" that's all he could say before I spoke again.
"No I couldn't! You would've stopped me!" I breathe deeply.
He turns quickly walking towards me.
"No I wouldn't of! You never give up on the people you love- it's who you are! It's what makes me love you!" My eyes widen slightly at the last part.
I don't think he meant to say that.

"I would've waited in the car as you spoke to him- I wouldn't stop you because there is no stopping you! I wouldn't want to either but I guess we'll never know considering you fucking ditched me at the wedding"
He bites the inside of his cheek, walking back into the house.
"Shit" I whisper to myself.
Ok so maybe I should've told him- but I dunno I just didn't feel like it.
Sure we went there together and we are basically living together at the moment.
Ok yeah I should've told him.

It's like leaving without Sage but worse- he's my boyfriend.
'Don't tell me what to feel'
Maybe he was right about some other things as well.
I don't know how anyone feels- I can't tell Sarah how to react or feel.
I have no clue how she's feeling only how I'm feeling. I wasn't about to forgive her for the shit she's pulled but maybe I can see why she's being such a bitch.
I walk into the house seeing Sage on the sofa with some foods.
"Your mums at work" she informs me and I simply nod.

I slowly walk upstairs.
The door was ajar.
I push it open slightly, Rafe was pulling his tie lose and then his belt.
"You were right I should've told you- but you can see why I didn't right?" I question and he stops undressing.
"Yeah I know, we need to start trusting each other a lot more or this isn't going to work" he pulls his tie fully loose tossing it on the side.
"I'll tell you next time as long as you don't act out just because your jealous" he nods in agreement.

I watch as he starts to undress himself, a tingling tension runs between my thighs.
I squeezed them together, biting on my tongue.
I walk towards him, he looks at me as if saying
I stand in front of him before turning "help me with the dress will you?" I feel his hands come to my back, slowly undoing the zip.
It drops to the floor, I turn showing him my bare breasts.
I watch his eyes travel down to them with a slight smirk, he silts his head in amusement.

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