Happy birthday!

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I wake up before Rafe, only because I hear a car pull up out front.
I quickly get up nearly waking him with my grunt , my legs were more sore then last time.
I go to leave out the back when the door opens.
I squeeze my eyes shut as my back was to them, I turn slowly to be faced with Ward.
I gulp.
"Morning" I smile awkwardly at him.
"The secretary system said someone was here, I assumed it was Rafe" he says coldly.
That's when Rafe gets up.
"Hey" he grumbles as Ward folds his arms, he did not look amused.
"Does Sarah know that you two are spending alone time together?" He accuses straight away.
Rafe let's out a laugh as he now folds his arms.
"I found Kat outside our house last night she was upset and Sarah was asleep so I drove her here I fell asleep on the sofa so if you class that as 'alone time' then go ahead" Rafe grumbles as he goes outside .
"I'll drop you off Kat" I hear him shout from outside as I hear the bike engine roar.

"Bye" I flash Ward a smile as I get past him, getting on the bike with his son.
"Come on let's go" I see Rafe pull off the drive as Ward comes out the house with a face of disbelief.
"I'll drop you off at my house" I hear Rafe say as we zoom through town.
I don't say anything.
It was awkward yet again.
We pull up onto the drive , Sarah was outside planting with Wheez.
She looks at me with confusion and a little bit of disgust when she notices it's Rafe I'm with:
"Hey" I get off the bike handing Rafe the helmet.
"Thanks for the ride Rafe" I nod at the boy as he smirks at his sister.
He loves pissing her off.
"What the hell is going on?"
She stands there as Wheezie continues doing gardening.
"I was upset last night so I came here and Rafe found me , he told me you were asleep so he took me to the beach house"
She looks at me still not getting it.
"Thanks for last night Kat" Rafe makes a wanking sign as he walks past.
He was obviously joking from his tone but Sarah looked more mad.
"He's kidding Sarah" I snap her out of her glare competition with Rafe. Even though he'd already gone in she couldn't help but glare at the door.

"Is he? Why would you go with him? You hate him?!"
She looked fuming as Wheezie coughed awkwardly.
"You said that me and Rafe should talk things out when we went looking for wheez and now that he actually helped me instead of being a dick like usual, your mad?"
She bites her cheek , I could see that DIDNT make her less mad if anything she looked more in raged.
"Why didn't you just call me?"
"Sarah! I had a argument with my Dad last night! I wanted to go somewhere I knew he wouldn't be abled to find me ,your house wasn't that place! Rafe found me he said he'd drive me somewhere that my father wouldn't find me!"
She looks at me with disbelief on her face.
"Yeah and how does he know about you and your dad?" She questions and I scoff.
"I told him, I was upset for god sake" I turn around walking away from her.
"Oh and Happy birthday that's also a reason why I didn't want to wake you up with my bullshit"
"SHES right you know" I hear wheez say to her sister before she goes inside.

"KAT! Come back right now! I'm sorry!" I hear Sarah scream as I walk towards the gates.
"Why were you arguing?" She says more softly as she approached me.
"It doesn't matter it's your birthday, so what do you want to do?" I try change the subject not wanting to ruin her special day.
"Come on Kat tell me" she insisted and I sigh.
"He's sending me back to London, if i don't go back then my mum won't get her job back or get custody of me again" I see her face frown, that was clearly not what she was aspecting.
"Your going back?" The saddest in her voice was noticeably.
"Yeah in 3 weeks once summer break is over, can you just keep this between us for now, I promise I'll tell the others I just- I'm not ready yet"
She nods and that's when I notice Wheezie.
"Your leaving?" I could see the tears in her eyes as I run up to her, hugging her tightly.
"Only for a little bit, I'll be back before you know it, but it's a secret so you can't tell anyone yet ok" I kiss her forehead as Sarah joins in on the hug.
They were my family , more then my father would ever be.
I'll miss them.

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