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"When are we meeting the others?" I ask Sarah as she grabs a blanket.
"They should be meeting us at the beach" Sarah grabs a flash light as well as the fluffy pink blanket.
Lots of people from the island mostly pouges but some Kooks were going too , we were all going to watch the shower of stars.
We drive Sarah's Jeep to the beach, we practically run to the sand trying to find our friends in the waves of people.
There were a lot more people here then I expected , scattered all over the beach.
"Look there's Kie!" I point over to the left, they were closest to the palm trees.

"Hey guys" i smile at my friends who were sat on a square blue blanket.
"Hey" they all smile at me as I
sit next to John B.
"What's JJ staring at?" I notice JJ's head turned.
"A girl, see the blonde with the
Purple tank top" John B points to a girl who was either a tourist or a Kook.
I nod rolling my eyes "JJ and blondes" I laugh and J turns to me.
"JJ and what?" He looks confused as he only heard apart of the sentence.
"Nothing j" I chuckle as he nods turning back.
"Look look the stars!" Kie leans into Pope showing him the first star.
Sarah sits next to John B holding onto his arm as they both look up.
"There beautiful" Sarah smiles as lots of stars shoot through the sky.

"Just like you" John b compliments the blonde as he kisses her.
I shuffle awkwardly as they start to make out, I turn to see Kie and Pope doing the same thing.
I turn to JJ but he's gone to the blonde across from us.
"I'm going to go get my jacket from the car" I say but no one responds except Kie who held her thumb up.
I walk to the car park, finding Sarah's Jeep.
I decided to sit on the bonnet, I lay down looking up at the stars.
Each one disappears as fast as it shows.
They were so pretty.
That's when I jump up in fright as someone slaps the bonnet.
I turn to see Topper, Kelce and Rafe.
"WhereS your little friends?" Topper mocks and I don't answer.

"Cat got your tongue? Kitty Kat?" Rafe smirks down at his shoes.
"My friends are on the beach, now is there anything I can help you with or are you just going to stand there like idiots" I turn my back to them leaning against the car.
"OoooOoo someone's in a bad mood" Toppers spitful face is suddenly in front of me.
"Come on dude lets go" Rafe speaks again , i hold my ground not moving just because he's near me.
"Oh Topper when will you learn that my mood always drops when your around , most people's do, you made Britney start on anti depressants just so she could stand being around you for longer then 2 minutes" Kelce starts to laugh but soon stops when Topper looks at him with a glare.

"You little bitch" he calls me , I step forward before he pushes me hard, making my back hit the Jeep.
"Hey come on now, leave her!" Rafe warns Top that's when Topper pushes Rafe.
"What?! Are You her little protector now?" Toppers twisted face stares at Rafe.
Rafe pushes him back harder making Topper near on fall over "no I'm not but if you keep pissing me off you'll wish I was yours" Topper stands taller getting into Rafes face expecting him to back up in fright but he doesn't.
He just stands there looking at Topper.
"Hey! Guys wanna join us?" A group of girls call over to us making Topper and Rafe stop there stand off.

"This isn't over" Topper spits as he looks at me, him and Kelce walking towards the girls.
"You coming or?" Kelce looks at Rafe.
"I'm going to grab some vodka from the club" Kelce nods following Topper to the beach.
"Well that was stupid wasn't it" I mock and he scoffs at me.
"I just saved your ass" he leans his back on the Jeep next to mine.
"Yeah sure" I sarcastically laugh.
Saved my Ass ha! If u wanted to I would probably be abled to floor that btec Ken with one punch.
"What are you doing out here all alone?" The tall boy asks me.
"I was looking at the stars until your pack of mutts interrupted" I look forwards as my tongue grazes my cheek.

"That wasn't an answer? I asked you why your here alone? Where's your little friends off too?" He teases and I cross my arms.
"There all screwing each other" I bite my tongue waiting for his snide comment that I knew was to come next.
"What? So you don't have anyone to screw?" He laughs as he side eyes me.
"Not in the mood I guess" I shrug as I jump on the bonnet looking up at the stars again hoping he'd piss off.
"It's funny isn't it, why are they called stars when they are merely a rock that's entering the atmosphere" he sits next to me on the bonnet.

"You some star expert then?" I lean back so I'm led on the glass of the window as I look up.
He does the same "kinda I was obsessed with them when I was younger"
A memory popped into my head when he said this, I do actually remember a little Rafe with a astronaut uniform and fake stars.
"Oh yeah I remember when you cried because Sarah broke one of your stars" I laugh slightly as he slaps my arm playfully.
"I was 8!" He defends and I just shrug.
"Remember when you tried to surf for the first time, you fell off your board straight away and then started screaming because you thought a shark was in the water!"
He points at me and I sit up with my mouth forming an 'O' shape.

"It's not my fault! My mum let me watch shark week!" I giggle as my cheeks heat up.
"And when you first moved to the Kook school and punched Brady because he said that Sarah was ugly" Rafe chuckles, I was 12 when that happened.
I moved to the kook school when I started seeing my Dad for the first time, it was pretty young.
I only moved to the pouge school at age 13 when I decided I hated Kook school, they weren't my sort of people.
"Brady deserved it that asshole" I shake my head.
"He moved away straight after because he hated you! Remember his parents moved him out of the school and them they got a job offer in San Fran so moved there for work"
I nod recalling the events that happened when we were younger.

"Or when you beat up Benny because you felt like it"
It sounds horrible when I said it but Rafe was always a hand full plus I hated Benny.
He was a bully, he pulled my hair whenever he could and would constantly talk about me.
I tried to make him leave me alone, but he wouldn't he said that he wasn't scared of me because I was a girl.
I was about  11? Maybe a bit older.
Benny was a year older then me.

"Or when you beat up Benny because you felt like it"
She laughed.
I forgot about that.
Kat didn't know this but the real reason I beat the crap out of Benny was because he use to pull on her pigtails and say how she was stupid.
No one knew that except me, no one knew that I only beat up Benny Toylin just because he was mean to Kat.
Sure I hated Kat and we argued all the time, I was horrible to her but only I could be mean to her no one else.
Because I'm two years older then Kat and one year older then Benny people listen to me.
I did get told off though as Benny was younger then me.
I was 13 year old beating up a 12 year old, so they put me in detention.

Safe to say that Ben didn't hurt Kat again after that.
"Yeah well Ben was a dickhead" I smile proudly.

Kat's PoV
"I guess he was" I shrug as I watch him smile brightly.
"Look there's three next to each other!" I tap him, turning his attention to the sky where three shooting stars dash across the sky.
"Their amazing" Rafe whispers to himself.
Rafe wasn't the type of guy you'd think you'd hear that from.
You wouldn't expect him to love Harry Potter or know a lot about stars and too think there beautiful or even paint.
I just stare at his eyes, the reflection of the sky shining in them.

He notices me staring,"staring is rude Night didn't Daddy teach you that?" He teases I can't help but smile as I look away.
That's when I feel a soft hand on my jaw, he turns my face towards his, "I guess I'll let you off just this once" he speaks into my face as he kisses me.
His hand grabbing my Jaw softly , the other hand rests on my lap.
The kiss was soft, his lips graze against mine before he pulls away.
I look at his lips diving back into his lips, I kiss him before my hands rest on his chest.
I pull away smiling to myself before looking back at the stars.
"What?" He laughs clearly noticing my smile.
"Nothing" I shrug
That's when we hear some voices, Rafe quickly jumps off the car.

I snap back into reality, we can't .
We can't be seen doing what we were just doing even just us watching stars would be frowned on by not only Rafe's friends but mine.
It was just a bunch of tourists messing about.
Rafe turns and I don't bother to look at him.
I've never seen him move so fast just to get away from me.
"Kat-" he starts before I get off the bonnet walking past him to the beach.
"Kat!" He says a bit louder following me still.
"Hey Rafe over here!" Some of Rafe's friends call him.
I don't even stop to look at him , but he clearly went over to them.

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