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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Sage and my mother jumped on my bed.
Ripping off the covers exposing my god awful PJS.
"Five more minutes-" I groan, I look at the time, it wasn't even 9 yet.
"Nope! Outta bed!" Sage pulls me up and I huff, like I said before, I hate birthdays.

"Here open this one first" my mum pushes a small box into my hand.
After opening a few presents I get up changing in a bikini and shorts.
"Did you hear that someone broke into Kie's house last night?" Sage says on my bed as I took out my plaits.
"No? Did they find out who it was?" My eyes frown, poor Kie.

"Nah, but some money was stolen" Sage shook her head.
"So-" she begins again, twirling her hair with her fingers.
"What?" I look at her suspiciously, what was she gunna tell me now.
"I saw Rafe climbing out your window when I was walking back- did you guys?" She almost looked happy by that thought.

"Sleep together no" the disgust in my tone evident.
"No! I didn't mean that- I meant make up, like friends again?" Sage put her hands on her face covering her eyes.
"Oh- well also a no" I shrug my shoulders picking up my phone.
I smile down at my phone screen.
"What you smiling at?" Sage raised a brow in question.

"Nothing" I tell her, my eyes still glued to my phone.
Jeremy had texted me saying happy birthday.
"We should do something for your birthday, like go out on the boat or something?" Sage suggested.
I wasn't really feeling it.
"I don't mind" I shrug a little.

"Jeremy texted me-" I blurt out and Sage smirks all knowingly.
"Hmm I bet" she laughed a little, did she not like him or something?
"What?" I frown, she can't have an opinion on someone she hasn't even met.
"I thought you were gunna be single for a while? Didn't your shrink tell you too?" Sage played with her rings as she spoke.

"I'm not dating him- plus I can do what I want, it was my decision to stay single not my 'shrinks' don't be an ass" I throw a pillow at her that was on my desk seat.
"Maybe we can go out on Sarah's boat? Invite Jeremy?" She smirked at me and I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
"No-" I was suddenly nervous by the thought of meeting him again.

"Is this about Rafe? He won't know" Sage resasured and I groan.
"No it's not, I just- I don't know, go on then" I huff, giving in. I can't be scared my whole life.
"Yessss!!" She flicks her phone open calling Sarah.

The party boat:
I walk on seeing a lot more people then I wanted.
Some people I had never spoken to in my life.
"Hey birthday girl" JJ kisses my cheek, he was drunk.
I could smell the liquor on his breath.
"Hey- where's Sarah?" My teeth chatter slightly, I didn't want this.
I couldn't have this.

"Over there" he points outside to the boat edge, people were jumping in the water.
Music blasting taking over my ears.
"Sarah!" I shout over the music, feeling totally stupid.
"Hey- I told everyone to get out, they wouldn't! I don't know who these people are!" She shouts back, I watch as she picks up after people.
"I'll help you" I sigh but it's not like she could hear me.

"Get out! Party is over assholes" I push people towards the exit but they just laugh.
"Jake and Topper invited me here!" They push past me going back to whatever they were doing.
He knew how much I hate my birthday.
What a fucking back stabbing cunt.
I needed to get out of here.

"Hey- Sage called" I look up seeing Jeremy.
My heart calmed at the sight of him.
"Take me away please!" I beg, he nods taking my hand as we walk off the boat onto the doc.
As we walk out I see Rafe coming down the garden.
Shit. I forgot that we were literally in Sarah's back yard.
Why was he here? He wasn't living at home?
Were him and Ward ok again?
He spots me instantly, his eyes going from me to my hand in Jeremy's and then back to me.

He laughed slightly, like he knew "happy birthday" he stated, he walks past me not even acknowledging Jer.
"No fights for him anymore I guess" Jeremy chucked, he obviously knew that Rafe was on a fighting ban.
One fight and he'd be straight in jail again.
"Let's go" Jeremy pulls me along, we walk up the garden sitting by a tree.
We sat under it looking at the water, the party boat only a bit away.
Still in ear shot.

"I'm guessing your not a party girl" he bumps his shoulder into mine playfully.
"Not since you got your face smashed in" I nod smiling slightly.
"So what's the deal with you and Rafe?" He picked up a small stone that lay on the ground throwing it across the water.
"We- uh" honestly I couldn't explain it, somehow even though we weren't together it felt like we weren't finished.

"Are you dating?" He picked up more stones throwing them across the water.
"No, we aren't, we weren't then" I refer back to the party, Jeremy nods listening to my every word.
"I'm guessing- he doesn't know about the statement" he whispers,my head snaps towards him.
"How-" I question him but he cuts me off.

"The sheriff read them out, told me who you were, so I could agree with what happened, it doesn't normally happen but when you have money you can do anything" he shrugged shamefully.
Like he was embarrassed that he could do that.
"My parents have money- not me, I want to make my own ya know" he noticed my confused expression.
Money is money at the end of the day.

"I get that" I offer him a sweet smile, he was so good.
So genuine.
The totally opposite of Rafe, the opposite of me.
"Kat" he looked at me with full attention, leaning in for a kiss.
I let him kiss me.
It was nice, like those high school romance shows when the boy kisses the girl for the first time.

He pulled away tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Happy birthday Kat" he whispered quietly laying back to look up at the tree.
I lay next to him, both of us not saying a word.
We could see some of the bright blue sky peak through the branches.
It felt so easy with him, no fights, no feelings hurt, no complications.
Just easy.

Is this what it should feel like?
I wasn't sure I liked it.
"I want to take you out soon, can I take you out?" He exhaled loudly, almost nervously.
"Yeah" I turn my head to him.
I said I wanted to be single, it was just a date.
It's not like we were boyfriend and girlfriend yet.
No commitment.

Rafe Cameron's POV

I walk passed Kat and Jeremy.
She looked happy until she saw me, was it so easy for her to move on?
The only reason I was here was because sarah called me, told me that Topper had invited some randoms.
I wanted to help.
I move onto the boat seeing lots of druggy low life's.
"Get out! Party is over!!" I turn off the music, everyone staring at me with a glare.
"Am I speaking fucking French? I said now!" They all start to pack up hurrying out.

"Hey what the hell man?!" Topper held his arms out.
"Sarah doesn't want loads of people here!" I shake my head at him. He's so dumb.
"Jake said Kat would like it?" Topper raised his brows challenging me. Trying to get a rise.
"Ok? Then where is she?" I look around, making a fake curious expression.
"Oh wait- she's not here because she hates you and most of the people here" I huff cleaning up some bottles.

"Does that include you?" Jake comes in the room, from the deck outside.
"Go eat grass" I state coldly, Sarah laughed a little at my comment.
"Where's Alice , Jake?" Sage had also come in the small room.
"We broke up" he spoke very quietly and quickly, not wanting to talk about it to much.
"Get out, both of you" I point towards Jake and Topper.

They both scoff but strut out anyway.
"You know- Kat use to be a real party girl before you literally traumatised her!" JJ was carried in by John B, he was sat down abruptly.
"Is that the reason why she isn't" I didn't even consider why she wouldn't want a party, I thought it might of just be the fact it was her birthday but obviously there was more to it.

I look at the group, they all go shy and awkward.
That's a yes.
"She's scared of me-" I stutter slightly, I never wanted that. Ever.
Becoming the person she feared, just like my mother and father.
She feared him the most.
Even after being attacked.
"She's scared of what could happen" Sarah rubbed my arm with her hand trying to comfort me.

I jump away from her touch, walking off the boat.
I see Kat and Jeremy sat by the tree up the grades.
My mouth practically dropped when I saw them kiss.
She liked him-

Hey guys sorry, I haven't updated.
I'm gunna make a second book for this story so the chapters aren't just loads in one book.
I'm going to do a time jump in the next book.
With older Rafe and Kat.

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