Caught out

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Two weeks later:
Sage had finally made it to obx.
Jake was still living with me as was Sage but we were out most of the time anyway.
My mother was trying to find a new job until the country club got built again.

"Kat!" I hear my mother shout from downstairs.
I accidentally push Sage out my bed as I roll over.
"Ow" she grumbled before she sits up.
"Sorry" my eyes barely opened.
I was so tired.
I walk down stairs to see a police officer and the manager.
They were looking into the fire, they found out it was set by a lighter and it wasn't a accident.

"Uh hello?" I cover chest as I was only in a vest top and shorts.
"We have reason to believe that you have something to do with the fire!" The manager shouts but the officer stops him.
"Miss Night can you please sit down" he gestured to the sofa.
"I didn't do shit! You have no proof that I even set the fire!" I don't sit down I instantly get mad.

"Really? Well the camera's show you leaving your table 5 minutes before anyone noticed the fire, what were you doing?" He stood there with his uniform on wearing it like a trophy.
"I went to the bathroom" that's all I said when the manager speaks "ha! I told you!"

My mother huffs in annoyance "my daughter wouldn't ever do this!" My mum defends me and that's when Jake walks in.
"Bad time?" He notices the officer straight away.
"The fire was started in the woman's bathroom" he totally ignored Jake and my heart  sunk.

Of course they think I'm guilty hell I would too.
"I know this looks bad but really I didn't do it! Someone is setting me up!" I watch as he rolls his eyes.
"And why would anyone do that?" He speaks with a purpose.
"I don't know! But it wasn't me!"

The other side of the island:
"I did everything you told me too" Kat in fact didn't set the fire.
But someone was trying hella hard to make it look like she did.
"Good, I thought the stalking would work but she still found a way to be his weak spot"

Kats house;
"We will look into it, in the mean time we need to have a look at the bag you took in with you" he was clearly talking about my blue bag that I took into the bathroom with me.

"Yeah sure, it's upstairs" I go to get it but the officer stops me.
"I'll go get it, show me where it is" I gulp as I show him my room.
"Here" I pass him the bag and Sage screams as she pulls the covers over herself.
She looked confused.
"Thank you, we will get back to you" he nods as he walks out the house.
"What the actual fuck!" I shout as I run down stairs Sage following me.

"Kat language!" My mother tries to calm me but there was no use.
"Mum! I didn't do this! I didn't! Oh my god I'm going to get charged for this!" I start to pace.
Thats when I notice Jake being very calm.
"Why the hell are you so calm and collected?" It sounded like I was accusing him but in reality I was jealous of his cool demeanour.

"Because they might have footage of you going into a bathroom 5 minutes before anybody noticed that there was a fire? So what? They have no proof you set it" he shrugged as put his bowl in the sink.

"They clearly think I did it!" I follow him as he turns around, us facing off in my kitchen wasn't something I wanted to do at 10 in the morning.
"Yeah key word think"

He must be joking me-
"Whatever" I turn away from him, we still weren't on great terms.
All because of midsummers.
"I'm out of here" I grab a jacket that was hung up on the rack as I walk outside.

I was on my way to Sarah's.
She was the only one who knew how bad this was. Especially for someone like me.
I notice how dead the Kook side is, what the hell?
Maybe they have some charity thing going on?

I walk round the back way, so I'd get in through the back garden.
That's when I hear them-
"The cops went to hers today- I saw them" it was a familiar voice.
It sounded worried and stressed.
"Don't worry boy! I got you! They weren't there for you" now that voice I recognised instantly.

Ward Cameron.

"What if they asked her about me?" I listen more closely this time.
"They don't think you were even at the club let alone that you set the fire , now keep your voice down and keep our deal" Ward threatened and that's when I see.

He walks out the back gate nearly seeing me before I hid behind the fence.
What the hell?
Why would Ward Cameron protect Topper?
Why would Topper set the fire?
I quickly walk round the corner.
I was gunna get those answers.

"What was that about Ward?" I notice he was drinking whiskey.
At this time? Wow.
"Mind your own business" he growled out and I step closer.
I wasn't afraid of no Cameron.

"Why are you Protecting Topper?" I ask getting to the point this time.
"I'm not protecting him, because I don't need too" he avoids my question.

"He set the fire? Did he do it for you?" I see him become uncomfortable.
I was right.
"You set me up? Why?" I fold my arms and that's when I see him get up quickly.
I recognised that look.
The look of pure Rage, the look that made Rafe so scared of him.

He drops his glass , letting it hit the ground with a smash.
He grabs my face roughly , his face in mine I could smell his rich breathe.
"When will you learn that you aren't welcome, stay away from my son" he pushes me away from him.

My hands instantly feeling the area where his hand just was.
"What? Rafe? I've only tried helping him because his dead beat dad won't!" I see him tense.
I don't know if he was trying to calm himself or if he was thinking of how to get rid of me.

"I thought me following you would do the trick, but here you are again to make him soft! Your the reason he did coke last year, one little stupid comment out of your mouth and he was doing a line"

"When you left it got worse, I put the pieces together- stay away from Rafe"

I step back from him.
Finally realising that he was the one who tried to kill me.
"You nearly killed me! You nearly ran me over you maniac" his back was too me but he soon turns around storming towards me.
"Shut up! I never wanted that! I wanted to talk to you! Tell you to stay away but then you fell!" His breathing was heavy.
He looked like he was about to explode.

"Is that why you followed me into the forest? Huh? To talk?" I leaned up getting in his face.
This freak was more mad then my grandma Suz.
"Yes! I was actually making sure you weren't hurt but you ran off!" He was basically pushing me against the fence now.

"I helped Rafe- all summer I tried to get him clean if you think that I was the one to make him start using again then your stupid" I stated as I push him away from me.
Making space between us.

"You think Wheezie was the only one to notice? That you two were sleeping together? Hmm? You made him go soft! I need him to focus when working instead he's too wrapped up in your bullshit! Stay away from him! This is your last warning" I could tell he was playing and honestly it made me so pissed.

"Why? Why did you tell Topper to set fire to the club? How does that get me to stay away from Rafe?" I wait for his response, it took him so long I thought he might never answer .

"It makes your lot look bad and if it came to it you would go away for arson"

Your lot.
Always groups, never one.

"I'll stay away from him, but if I go away for this fire I'll retract from that real fast! Got it and quit following me"

His tongue grazes his teeth and he nods.
"Are you the one sending the texts too?" I was hoping he'd say yes.
Two birds with one stone.
"No" he then strutted up the driveway to the house.
I turn quickly running away from the house.

What he didn't know is that I was much smarter then him.
I had recorded the whole convo on my cell.
I'd make copies just in case.
I wasn't about to go away for something I didn't do.
I also didn't like the idea of having to stay away from Rafe-

It not like I wanted to be near him but I didn't want someone controlling me.
I knew Ward would fess up, his ego and temper aren't a good mix when keeping secrets.
But I still had one problem.
Who was sending those messages?

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