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May 1st 2021

Five years later


Wynter groans when she hears Sam shrieking her name from somewhere in the house. She buries her face under her pillow and sighs, drifting off to sleep again until her bed-room door swings open and Sam stands in the doorway. "Wynter!" He shouts banging on her door before stomping into her bedroom.

"For the love of god what?! What Sam?! What?" Cranky Wynter responds as her voice is muffled underneath the pillow. She whines when Sam yanks the duvet from over her and grabs her leg pulling her out of the comfort of her own bed. "What if I was sleeping naked?!" She snaps.

"You don't sleep naked and we both know it" Sam responds. Wnyter quickly stands up on the ground before losing her balance. "Do I really need wake you up like this every damn morning?" Sam complains placing his hands on his hips glaring down at her. Wynter squints her eyes before glaring back.

"You tell me? Do you brother.. because last time I recall I have this thing.. oh wait what's it called?" She scratches her head pretending to think before sticking up her index finger. "Oh yeah! A freakin' alarm!" She snaps before strolling out of her room.

Sam follows her from behind. "Which you always tend to sleep through. What are you going to do when I move out?" Before Wynter goes into the bathroom she turns around facing Sam. "Which I think you should. I'm twenty-one Sam, I can take care of myself" Sam looks down at his feet before making eye contact with her again.

"I promised momma and pops I would take care of you.. I swore it on their grave" Wynter's face drops as she shrugs it off. "I appreciate that, but life goes on.. you can't baby me forever" She states before walking into the bathroom and slams it shut. She walks over to the mirror and slides her fingers through her hair sighing deeply.

It's been three years since their parent's passing, they died in a plane crash, their private jet crashing during a business trip. Leaving Wynter and Sam devastated and to only have each other. Not only that but today marks the day Wynter first met Bucky. She couldn't stop thinking about it the whole of last night which is why she couldn't sleep and woke up late.

Her childhood best friend, her everything left her. After committing code red when they kissed at the halloween party they decided to keep it a secret. They both promised it wouldn't happen again but they couldn't look at each other the same, slowly and gradually they started to catch feelings with one and other.

A few weeks later they kissed again at a party, then kissed again in school, either in the bathrooms, or in secret hallways or allyways. To then two months later on Christmas eve they slept together, took each other's virginities. Despite the age gap and the fact they were best friends it felt so right, they were falling in love.

That didn't last long until Sam found out about them, caught them. The fights, the arguments. After everything you would think Bucky would of fought for her, but he didn't. Wynter chose Bucky over her brother yet one day he disappeared. Gone. She found out he moved to Australia. No goodbyes, nothing.

That same year she lost her parents so pain just added up on top of each other, in the end she only had Sam. Wynter shakes her head snapping back to reality, before getting ready for the morning.

 Wynter shakes her head snapping back to reality, before getting ready for the morning

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