Twenty four.

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Wynter walks towards the long lengthen mirror and traces her hands down her dress admiring herself, she smiles

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Wynter walks towards the long lengthen mirror and traces her hands down her dress admiring herself, she smiles. "It's perfect.. not too much just.. elegant" Nat smiles lovingly as she wraps her arms around Wynter's waist hugging her from behind and places her chin on her shoulder, making eye contact through the mirror.

"You're marrying your soulmate.." Wynter chews on the inside of her cheek nervously before nodding. "I'm marrying my soulmate.." She repeats. Nat pulls away as Wynter turns around looking at Rebecca and Nat. "I'm ready.." She says softly they both smile as the three of them make it out the hotel room and downstairs where the cab waits to take them to the chapel. 

Bucky stands at the end of the aisle with the officiant who's dressed as Elvis. Bucky traces his hands down his white suit as he looks over at Elvis chuckling. "Is Elvis really marrying us right now? This is incredible" Elvis grins as Bucky turns to look at Steve and Sam standing behind him from a little distance. "You sure this is what you want bud? It's not too late to have a big wedding you know" Steve asks. Bucky shakes his head. "No, this is perfect.." Bucky states softly with a big smile on his face.

Once they hear the doors opening, Nat and Rebecca walk down the aisle smiling. "We're here!" Nat sings. Sam smiles before he walks towards them, kissing Nat's cheek then kissing Rebecca's. "You both look beautiful"

They both smile saying their thank you's before Sam walks through the doors to meet Wynter on the other side. He stops walking and freezes when he sees her standing there in her beautiful white dress. His eyes instantly tear up. "Wynter.." Wynter smiles looking down at her dress before looking up at Sam again. "You like it?"

Sam let's out a broken laugh and walk towards her embracing her into a big hug. "You look out of this world.. Mom and Dad would be so proud of you.." He whispers rubbing her back. She closes her eyes hugging him back before they pull away. Sam leans in kissing her forehead softly. "My baby sister is getting married before me, never thought I'd see this day coming" Wynter laughs patting his chest softly. "You'll get there eventually" Sam nods before turning around once 'falling in love with you' by Elvis Presley starts to play.

He reaches out his arm for her to take it "You ready?" He asks. Wynter bites her lip nervously before connecting her arm with his. "I am.. I'm so ready" Sam leads Wynter through the doors as they begin walking down the aisle. Bucky turns his gaze to look out Wynter, they both exchance the same look. Just as much as Bucky thought Wynter looked beautiful, Wynter thought Bucky looked so handsome.

Seeing her in all white was everything he's ever dreamt of, tears began blurring his vision even though he tried his hardest not to cry. Sam takes Wynter's hand and lifts it up for Bucky to take it, and so he does. They both exchange nods before Wynter stands in front of Bucky holding hands. Elvis looks over to the friends. "Who has the rings?" Steve lifts his arm up. "That would be me" He walks over to Elvis to give the rings to him.

It ends with us. | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now