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- The next day -

Wynter wakes up the next morning with a massive headache. Blinking her eyes repeatedly before rolling over onto her back, it took her a while to figure out she wasn't in her own bed.

She sits up holding the covers close to her chest as her eyes observe the room. It all clicked in moments later, the bar, Clark and pancakes. Wynter groans throwing her head down, one night stands were familiar to her but not when Bucky was in town. It didn't feel right knowing she was still hung up on him and used Clark as a distraction. 

Her eyes scan the room trying to look for her clothes before the bathroom door opens from the corner of the room, Clark walking out with just a towel around his waist, messy wet hair and water dripping down his muscular arms and abs.

Wynter blinks at him before flashing a innocent smile. "Morning.." She states, Clark returns the smile. "Good morning, how do you feel?" He asks her.

"I uhm, my head is pounding" Clark nods walking over to his walk in closet speaking loud enough so she could hear as he picks out two shirt, boxers and sweatpants. "I'm not surprised from all the whiskey's you had" Once he walks back he points at the door. "If you don't feel comfortable using my shower you can use the main bathroom down the hallway"

Wynter raises her eyebrow. "Shower? I was thinking of leaving not staying.." Clark shakes his head. "I'm not the type of guy to let you go without looking after you first, have a shower, put this on.." He hands her his blue shirt he picked out for her to wear.

"Then we can eat breakfast, give you a pill for that headache then you can leave, or I can drop you off, however you please" Wynter chuckles stretching her arm out taking the shirt.

"Is this how you treat all your one night stands?" Clark nods. "Of course.." Wynter chews on her lip before nodding, she reaches over grabbing a blanket before wrapping her body around it. "I will go have that shower then.." Clark smiles as he watches her walk out the room. He dries himself up and puts his clothes on before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

After 15 minutes went by, the table was all set and breakfast was ready. Suddenly Clark hears a knock on the door, confused on who it was at 10am he walks to the door opening it seeing Bucky standing there was his hands in his pockets.

Clark clears his throat before speaking. "James" Bucky looks at him intensely. "Clark.. aren't you going to invite me in?" Clark leans against the door blocking from Bucky from walking in. "Actually I'm a little busy-"

Bucky rolls his eyes before pushing him out the way as he walks inside. "When were you going to tell me you moved into the same apartment as me? I mean what for? To keep tabs on me? Make sure I'm not doing anything behind your sister's back?" Clark sighs in annoyance before turning around folding his arms as he looks at Bucky. "I've told you this once and I'm telling you again James, get a divorce"

Bucky scoffs. "And how many times have I told you to stay out my damn business?" Clark walks closer to Bucky as he speaks. "All you and Dot do is argue, she tells me you haven't even touched her in 6 months, why won't you sleep with your wife James?"

Bucky clenches his wrists. "That's between me and Dot" Clark shakes his head chuckling. "Not if she tells me about it, as her older brother, it kinda makes me involved, let's not forget the time you said another woman's name during sex, I mean how sick are you?"

"She told you about that?" Bucky raises his voice. "Yes James, Yes she has, didn't tell me who's name you called, but at least she told me that" Bucky shakes his head walking past him as they brush shoulders. "I don't need to listen to this"

Clark then turns around to face him again. "What deal do you have with Wynter Wilson?" Bucky stops walking as he stands still, completely frozen. "That's right, I saw the papers. Are you having an affair?" Bucky turns around as he points his index finger at Clark. "Watch your fucking mouth Clark I'm warning you"

Meanwhile Wynter got out the shower drying her body as she can hear fainted bickering coming from another room, she puts on the shirt and slides her fingers through her wet hair before opening the door, the closer she walked to the room, she noticed the voice coming from one of the male's sounded familiar to her. Walking into the sitting room she sees Bucky standing there with Clark, her eyes wide open.

She wanted to move and hide behind a wall but it was too late Bucky seen her. He looks straight at Wynter, his jaw almost dropping to the ground. "Wynter?!" He shouts making her startle, she walks closer to him.

"Bucky what are you doing here?" Bucky's eyes instantly turned to darkness as he notices she was in Clark's shirt straight out the shower, there was no second guessing what went down, he knew perfectly.

"You mother fucker!" Bucky screams grabbing Clark's shirt before throwing him a hard punch across his face making him fall onto his back. "Bucky!" Wynter shouts throwing her hands up. "Bucky don't!"

Bucky leans down grabbing Clark's shirt with one hand and punching his face again and again and again as he screams at him. "YOU FUCKING KNEW! YOU FUCKING KNEW WHO SHE WAS AND SLEPT WITH HER YOU ASSHOLE!" Wynter tries to pull Bucky back by his shirt but he was too strong. Eventually she grabs his arm yanking him off Clark.

Clark coughs spitting out blood, his face bruised and cut. "What the hell is matter with you?!!" Wynter shouts at Bucky as he hyperventilates. "That's my fucking brother in law! Dot's older brother!"

He manages to shout back. Wynter turns her head to look at Clark on the ground. "What.." She mutters, shocked. "And he fucking knew who you were, we're all over the papers"

Clark manages to stand up chuckling as he wipes the blood dripping down his mouth. "It all makes sense now.. it's Wynter isn't it?" Clark states discovering it was her name that was called in bed.

"You-" Bucky steps forward but Wynter jumps in front of him. "Stop.." She places his hands on his chest but he yanks them off her. "Get off me" He barks at her before he marches out the room. "Bucky!" Wynter runs after him.

"Bucky please stop!" She runs after him down the hallway making him turn to face her. "I didn't know! You can't blame me for something I didn't know!" Bucky clenches his jaw "You slept with him"

"So? Am I not allowed to sleep with someone even if it wasn't Clark?" Wynter questions him. "No, Wynter, no you can't! Because the thought of another man touching you drives me insane! It makes my insides turn and it makes me sick!!"

From anger now his eyes were tearing up, he didn't know what to do, he needed to cool off and just couldn't be here right now. "I'm not yours Bucky.. not anymore" He just nods. "That's the problem" He says his last piece before walking away.

Wynter slides her fingers through her hair shaking her head before walking back to the apartment, she just wanted to get dressed and leave. "Wynter.." Clark walks to her but she throws her hands up taking a step back. "Don't.. just don't.."

He felt bad, he didn't want to lie about not knowing her, it didn't mean he had bad intentions. Once Wynter was dressed she made it clear to Clark to leave her alone before she exists the apartment altogether.

It ends with us. | Bucky BarnesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin