Twenty three.

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2 months later

The trip to Vegas has finally arrived. It's their second day in Vegas and tomorrow Bucky and Wynter were getting married, this night was Bucky's and Wynter's bachelor night. They stayed in the fanciest hotel in Vegas with a huge family room, which meant they all shared one room but there were doors to separate the suites.

They refused to let Bucky and Wynter sleep in the same room together, as they mentioned before the wedding it was bad luck. In one suite Bucky, Sam and Steve stayed together and in the other was Wynter, Nat and Rebecca (Bucky's sister)

They were in lounging around in the main room, Bucky's arm was wrapped around Wynter as he leans into her ear whispering. "Let's ditch this bachelor night thing and run away, spend it together somewhere else" Wynter giggles before pushing him back a little playfully. Nat raises her eyebrow. "Hey hey hey, what are you whispering to the bride to be?" They both turn to look at Nat.

"He wants to ditch bachelor night"

Wynter and Bucky both say in sync. Everyone gasps. Sam raises his hand to speak. "This is your last night as a free man and you want to waste it with my sister? No chance" Bucky chuckles. "Technically I'm not a free man, I'm happily taken by this gorgeous girl" He responds leaning into Wynter's neck pecking it softly. Sam scrunches up his nose. "I don't care, we're going out tonight without my sister" Steve laughs. "Strip club it is" He encourages.

Bucky rolls his eyes. "No strip club, I don't want no hoes giving me lap dances, it's my bachelor night and I say no strip club" Sam and Steve groan in sync. "Oh come on man! That's what Vegas is all about!" Sam states. Wynter bites her lip before turning to face Bucky, she lifts up her hand caressing his cheek softly. "Baby, one night won't hurt, just go" Bucky pouts. "You're not going to be mad with strippers touching me and dancing on me?"

Wynter grins before shurgging. "No because you'll be my husband, not theirs" Sam claps his hands. "That's my understanding little sister, right fellas we gotta go, need to go suit shopping for Bucky, in the meantime you girls are going to look for a wedding dress right?"

Nat stands up. "Nope we already found one online, we just gotta go pick it up.." Sam raises his eyebrow at her, she continues her sentence. "Girls are prepared don't you worry, but we will be having a girly's day until girly's night so you boys go enjoy yourself"

Steve and Sam already make their way to the door, Bucky looks at the boys then back at Wynter, she just chuckles at him. "Baby go" He nods before grabbing her face kissing her softly, but she only parts her lips deepening the kiss.

The boys groan. "Man, they have their whole life time to do that and this day they choose to be clingy" Sam groans, Steve grins slapping his arm. "Leave them, they are in love" Bucky pulls from the kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow morning sweetheart" Wynter nods grinning. "Yeah tomorrow morning.."

Bucky then stands up and follows the boys to the door before they exit the hotel room. Rebecca looks at Wynter confused. "Why do I have a feeling something is going on here? Something I don't know about.." Wynter just grins at her, Nat skips over to Rebecca before dropping her body to the couch looking at her.

"We have a plan for tonight, we will also be joining the boys in the strip club, the only difference is Wynter will be one of the strippers and she will be giving her fiancee a show for his own, that way they could spend their bachelor together as they wanted it.."

Rebecca laughs "But Sam?" Nat rolls her eyes. "Sam is annoying, it's not his bachelor night it's theirs, and this is what Bucky wants.. of course he doesn't know it yet, it will be a surprise" Rebecca looks over to Wynter with a surprised face.

It ends with us. | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now