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- 48 hours later -

"He's waking up!!" Natasha calls out as she runs over to Bucky's bed, Sam and Steve both do the same. "Bucky? Bucky can you hear me?" Steve questions him. "I'll get the doctor" Sam says before running out the room.

Natasha and Steve both look at each other, with tired red eyes just sharing a glimpse of happiness, their friend was alive. When the doctor told them to be prepared they thought they were going to lose him, but he was okay.

The doctor then runs into the room followed by Sam, Bucky blinks a few times squinting as his eyes tries to adjust to the light. The doctor uses his stethoscope to listen to Bucky's heart beat, after a few nods he smiles.

"His heart rate is back to normal, he's okay to be okay. We just need to keep him on bed rest for the next few days and keep giving his medication, congratulations" The doctor tells them in a relieved tone before walking out.

Natasha puts her hands on her chest exhaling deeply. "Oh thank god.. thank god.." Steve and Sam stand next to each other looking down at him. Bucky opens his mouth to speak but he was in too much pain to do so. "What is it buddy?"

Sam asks. They notice his blue eyes begin tearing up. The only word he could get out was 'Wynter' he tries to keep his eyes open but he couldn't they began to shut slowly. Sam swallows deeply rubbing his arm softly. "It's okay buddy.. sleep"

Once Bucky's eyes fully shut, Sam closed his eyes taking a deep breath. Steve lifts his hand up rubbing his back softly. "It'll be okay" Steve whispers. The three of them haven't got much sleep since the accident, they have just been dozing off in the hospital chairs.

"I'm going to get more coffee" Nat states. Sam lifts his head up looking at her. "You two should go home, get some sleep" They both shake their heads. "We aren't going anywhere until there's news" Nat states, Steve nods agreeing with her.

- A few hours later -

Sam, Steve and Nat walk along the floor just coming back from the cafeteria when they hear shouting coming from Bucky's room. The three of them run in to see what's going on. Three nurses were trying to hold him down and to stop him from yelling. "What's going on? Move!"

Sam barges past the nurse looking down at Bucky. "Hey.. hey it's me.." Bucky looks up at Sam with tears running down his cheek. "They won't let me see Wynter, why won't they let me see Wynter?!!" He screams.

"Buck, you can't walk you fractured your pelvis, and you have a damn broken arm as you can see" Bucky looks down at the cast on his arm. "Get me a damn wheelchair then! Let me see her please, PLEASE!" His voice breaks as Sam turns to look at Steve and Nat with worried look on their faces.

Sam turns to look at the nurse. "Get him a wheelchair, I will make sure he returns to bed rest.. please.." The nurse nods as she goes to get a wheelchair. Bucky closes his eyes breathing deeply. "Thank you.. thank you.."

He mutters, once the nurse comes back with the wheelchair they help him off the bed, despite Bucky crying in pain he refused to stay there, he fought it off just to get on the damn wheelchair no matter how much pain he was in. His other arm was attached to an Iv which meant the Iv stand has to stroll around with him.

Nat, Steve and Sam wait outside as the nurse leads Bucky into the ICU ward. The nurse helped Bucky put on a gown, mask and gloves before seeing her. He sees machines beeping as soon as he gets strolled into the room. His heart began racing as he gets closer and closer. He intakes a sharp breath when he sees her.

It ends with us. | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now