3 - Guilt

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This oneshot takes place after season 2, after Kie saved JJ's life.

Unpopular opinion: I feel like Kie is afraid to show her emotions sometimes, so she always comforts others instead. I kind of wanted to explore how Kie felt after the boat incident and allow her to be a little bit more vulnerable. Idk, lmk what you think!

I hope you all enjoy this and thank you so much for all of your support and over 200 reads! <3


The sound of waves crashing against the rocks could be heard along the coast of the iconic Poguelandia. It was early, it couldn't have been past 5:30 am. The sun was rising, preparing to consume the sky with brightness.

After a very long 24 hours, the pogues were all exhausted. All resting in their own separate places, everyone was asleep.

Well, except for one pogue.

Kiara sat with her legs tucked into her arms, embracing her small frame. She sat there quietly, enjoying the peace.

Yesterday was a hard day for everyone, especially Kie. Not only had she almost drowned after jumping overboard a ship that she and her friends had invaded illegally, but her best friend was dying in her arms.

A shiver ran through her body, reminiscing about the past events.

Through some miracle, the pogues had all survived and were now stranded on their own slice of paradise. However, Kie didn't feel the same joy she had felt when she had discussed her and JJ's future plans of a surf trip. She felt guilty.

"Mornin', princess." JJ said, breaking her thoughts.

The blonde had scruffy hair and his beautiful blue eyes were foggy, clearly he had just woken up.

"You're up early!" Kie laughed, trying to return to her usual bubbly self.

"I could say the same about you." the boy chuckled, sitting down directly beside the brunette and matching her position. The two stared out into the ocean contently.

"How's your head?" Kie asked, breaking the silence between the two.

"Pretty gnarly, but I feel fine." he exclaimed.

Kiara cringed at his description. The guilt rising. The boy took notice, placing a hand on her shoulder lovingly.

"You alright?" he asked in a slightly worried tone.

"Fine." she mumbled.

The silence returned, only the gentle waves could be heard on the peaceful island.

"Kie, you know you can talk to me." the blondie said, noticing her stiff position.

"I know, I-"

Suddenly, the girl was cut off by the exciting sounds of John B and Sarah laughing loudly.

"Mornin' everyone!" John B exclaimed surprisingly excitedly.

After exchanging greetings and a few minutes of light discussion, Pope and Cleo had now gathered around the group.

"So, here's the plan. Why don't we get to work on making this place home. I'm talkin' huts, fire pit, surfboards, the works!" J.B. exclaimed, exchanging a look of excitement with JJ.

"John B, there's only so much we can do in a day. Besides, where are we gonna find all of the resources to make all that stuff?" Kie sighed.

"Kie's right, we do need more time. But... That doesn't mean we can't make these things. Alright, we'll collect some wood and build a hut. Then, we'll work on the next thing." JJ explained, earning gasps from the others.

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