19 - Kitty Hawk

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Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by :) This oneshot was requested by tns_pinn , so tysm!

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Happy reading! :D


Not only had Kiara's nightmares come true after her parents (whom she had just began to trust again) had shipped her away to Kitty Hawk, but JJ's nightmares had also come true. See, JJ had promised Kie that the second they had gotten in the plane, he would tell her the truth he had searched so long for. But now, he had just received the news her own parents had sent her away... for good.

JJ was angry, understandably. After he had told John B. he had to go check on Kie, he started thinking about if she was okay. 

The others were adamant about leaving, even leaving their best friend behind. But not JJ.

So, after he had set off to discover that she had in fact been sent off to Kitty Hawk, JJ felt a wave of sadness wash over him. He had put her through so much over the past months, shooting her down and locking himself away, just because she cared. And now she was gone for the second time, and this was his chance to make it up to her.

After a quick phone call with Ricky and then John B., JJ felt a little bit more at ease. So, he drove for about five hours, never wasting a minute to think about Kie. Once his rescue plan to get out of the OBX was set, he began thinking about how he would bust her out of there.

As for Kie, she was now getting diagnosis' for a bunch of shit she knew she didn't have. ODD, blah, blah, blah. She didn't care about these illnesses they were lying about until the topic of pills came along. Suddenly, Kie didn't feel so great.

She couldn't quite make out what this supposed 'doctor' was talking about through the ringing in her ears, but she knew it was something to do with some drugs she clearly didn't need. 

The thoughts and visions ran through her head; being drugged out of her mind, brain damage, losing her sense of independence, being too sick to ever do anything on her own again, never seeing her friends again, and never seeing JJ. It was too much... she couldn't take it.

"Um, do you mind if I use the restroom? Long drive." she asked.

"Of course. Right there." the lady pointed.

Kie walked into the bathroom, working to adjust the door to a close.

This was her chance.

She cranked the squeaky window, pleading that it would open and aid in her escape.

But it was no use, after under a minute, the employees barricaded their way into the small space. Kie pleaded, cried, and screamed. But it was no use. She was being sent to the 'Isolation Cabin'.

Meanwhile, JJ pulled into the camp. His plan was to pretend to be a delivery driver. It worked perfectly. After locating the front office, JJ put his lying skills to great use.

Kie loved Bob Marley... and JJ came up with a lie about some random cat... so it was simple! Marley the cat had died, and it would break her heart when she finds out. 

Once JJ snook out of the office and into a hiding spot around the cabin, he watched as the office lady entered Kie's supposed cabin.

JJ followed, he was slightly panicked, but also just heartbroken that poor Kie was stuck in some weird room all by herself.

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