9 - Baby

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Hey everyone, sorry I was gone for a bit, I was watching season 3 of Outer Banks! If you've finished it, what did you think?

Anyways, this oneshot won't have any season 3 spoilers, so no need to worry! This was requested by:

And it takes place in the future! Happy reading! :)


Kiara had received the exciting news that she was expecting a baby with her husband of two years, JJ Maybank.

The two were beyond ecstatic. Considering they had completed their surf trip, gotten married and purchased a house, this new stage of their life was exactly what they wanted.

Fast forward to just over eight months later, Kie was now in agony. The excitement and joy she had once felt had now blown out the window.

"Okay, Kie. Your contractions are seven minutes apart, let's go to the hospital!" JJ ushered to his wife, now groaning in pain.

"No, seriously I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt that bad." she smiled once the contraction had passed.

"Hopefully our kid doesn't turn out as stubborn as you." the boy joked, earning a death stare from his angry wife. He shot his arms up in surrender.

The Maybanks had decided not to find out the gender of the baby. Ultimately, there wasn't a real reason, they were just too eager.

So, only Sarah and John B. knew. That left Sarah in charge of choosing certain clothes, toys and products for the baby since John B. had no shopping abilities.

Kiara winced in pain, holding her stomach which was rounded out into the cutest baby bump.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital and then we can have this baby!" JJ offered.

"J, I'll be fine. I could just have it at home, one of those home birth things in the bath tub..." before she could finish, another contraction hit her.

"Yeah, let's go to the... hospital." she spoke in between groans.

The boy smiled and aided her into their white Jeep.

"Okay, where does it hurt?" JJ asked, pulling out of their driveway.

"Everywhere!" the girl screamed, tears streaming down her face.

JJ practically jumped in surprise by the sudden outburst.

"Okay, how about some music?" the boy offered, turning on the radio in the car.

In all honesty, the couple had no idea what they were doing. As first time parents, Kie's goal was to survive, all the while delivering a safe baby. And for JJ, it was to be there for his wife.

Once they had arrived at the hospital, JJ grabbed all the bags that they had left in the car a few nights before. He then hurried to Kie's door and opened it for her, aiding her outside of the vehicle.

"Ow, ow, J it hurts!" Kie cried, shattering JJ's heart into a thousand pieces.

"I know, baby, I know. We're gonna go inside and you're gonna feel better and we'll have a healthy baby, okay?" he reassured her, she smiled and nodded before the next contraction came.

After they had gotten into the labor and delivery room, JJ called Sarah to come to the hospital. Kiara had decided not to invite her parents for their child's birth. Instead, she wanted her best friend to be there. 

Sarah had been the biggest help to JJ and Kie throughout the pregnancy. She came to every appointment, helped Kiara with everything she needed, brought her food, baby supplies and even organized their baby shower.

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