14 - Surf Accident

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Guess who's back with another oneshot?!

This was requested by the very kind jiaraobxf4 (so sorry, it won't let me tag you!)

So, thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy! :)

As always, don't forget to vote, comment, share, request and add to your reading lists and library! :)

*Takes place after season 3, before the time jump - minor spoiler warning??*


The warm sun engulfed the sky above the rolling waves. As it moved later into the evening, the once blue sky transitioned into a warm scene overhead.

Kie and JJ had taken no notice of the sun setting, though. They were far too busy surfing the beautiful waves. The couple had been surfing for hours.

The girl was beginning to feel tired, though she would never admit it. She and JJ were both very competitive and very skilled surfers. So, there was no way she could ever bring herself to tell JJ he essentially had better stamina than her.

But maybe she should have.

As the large wave broke, Kie took her chance. She pushed herself through the current and popped herself up to a stance.

"Nice one, Kie!" JJ exclaimed, watching the girl ride what was arguably the best wave of the night. 

But suddenly, the large wave rolled over her, engulfing Kie deep under the surface.

The brunette flailed her arms desperately out of panic, hoping to bring herself up to the surface or grab JJ's attention.

JJ had in fact seen Kie crash, and knew it wasn't good.

Of course surfers fall all the time, but the sheer size and pressure of this wave clearly proved it was more than harmful.

So he sprung into action partially out of panic, paddling over to where he saw the girl crash. He felt around, where was she?

"Kie? Kie!" he cried, searching and hoping to find his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Kiara was running out of air. The currents under water were strong, it must have been from the wave. The girl scrunched her face and tried to calm herself, but it hit her...

This was the moment she was going to die.

Until she didn't.

Two large hands took hold of her sides and pulled her into the air.

"Kie? Oh my god, are you alive?" she managed to hear through the strong ringing in her ears. 

She coughed and choked as all the water she had inhaled and swallowed, the salty taste burning her mouth.

The girl hadn't realized what had fully happened, but she realized that she was sitting on JJ's surfboard near the shore. His hand was on her knee and the other on her back.

"Are you okay?" JJ asked with immense worry.

"What the hell happened?" she spat out between coughs.

"Looks like the wave rolled, it was huge."

"That's what she said." Kie smiled.

"That's my girl!" JJ laughed, but his smile dropped.

"Kie, your leg..."

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