Chapter 6: Smell of Alcohol and Dissapointment

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Walking out of the building, Kula turned and started walking down the street, heading back to her apartment. Though, as she was walking, the floor seemed to disappear from beneath her and the sudden smell of alcohol hit her nose.

"What the fuck!" She said, opening her eyes to see a dimly lit bar. She had been to this place before, though she's always been warped so she didn't know where exactly 'this place' was.

"You certainly took your time." Shigaraki said, and Kula looked up to see him sitting at the bar. "It's almost as if you took the exams— even when you said you wouldn't."

Kula didn't respond— only standing up and staring at Shigaraki through narrow eyes.

"Well, Whatever. If they let you take the exams, then that means they trust you. But that's off topic, tell me, did you see All Might?"

"No. I did not see him in that school. The only teachers I saw were the ones proctoring the exams. May I go home now?"

Shigaraki started scratching his neck, grumbling. "What a disappointment." He took a sip of the drink that was held in his hand. "Well, we're not giving up yet, and you're not done yet."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough. And don't worry— you won't have to attend that wretched school for heroes. Kurogiri, warp her out."

The shadow man behind the counter nodded, and Kula felt the familiar black mist surround her she was warped back to her apartment.

Standing silently for a minute or two, Kula reeled her arm back and punched the punching bag that she had found laying outside in a nearby neighborhood.

"That bastard!" She shouted, continuing to assault the punching bag. "Using me like a puppet!" She gritted her teeth and pulled back from the punching bag, her knuckles stinging from the repetitive hits.

Taking deep breaths and sitting down on a ripped up couch, Kula reached into her jacket pocket and took something out— the card she had used during the exam. While she was building the support gear, she had forgotten about Shigaraki and everything she had done, it was only her and the invention. And thinking back to it, excitement rose up.

"But it's not like I'm going to go there anyways." She muttered, snapping the card in half and standing up. "Well, there's nothing else to do today, so I guess I'll go take a walk."

Kula walked out of the apartment building into the cool night air; the exam had taken longer than she had expected it too, and they weren't released until the sun was already setting. Though it wasn't like the exam was bad— the written part wasn't the best, but it had made Kula feel like a normal kid.

"Hey there, honey." A voice said, and Kula turned around to see a drunk looking businessman walking up to her.

"Right it's probably almost midnight." She muttered.

"Why don... don't we go back t... to my place?" He slurred, moving to wrap his arm around Kula.

"Why don't you meet my fist?" Kula asked, breaking away from the man and punching him in the face.

"Ow! Yo... you bitch!" His eyes flashed and his arms shifted into lion paws, ripping the arms of his suit . "You'll regret that!"

"Damn. I should of known this would happen." Kula muttered, living alone in an area full of villain activity had it's advantages. Some had decided to ignore Shigaraki and attack her which only let Kula improve her combat skills. Letting the man get close to her, Kula side stepped, watching as he stumbled past her. "Ah, I guess he is drunk... Maybe I should go easy on him— not"

Turning around before he was able to gather himself, Kula reeled her fist back and punched the man in the face.

"How... how dare you!" The man said, lunging again with claws unscathed from his lion paws.

Getting ready to counter attack, Kula's eyes widened as the man's paws suddenly returned back into his hand and he was stopped in his tracks, a gray scarf-like cloth wrapping around the man and stopping him.

"Someone your age shouldn't walk around these parts." A voice said, and Kula looked up to see an unkept man wearing all black walking out from the shadows, her eyes widening slightly as she saw who had just captured the guy.

"I guess." Kula said, turning around and starting to walk away. "Thanks for the help, but I could of taken him." The longer she was in the presence of a Pro hero that she knew as Eraser Head, the more memories of doing 'favors' for Tomura flashing in her mind. "Damn, that Tomura has ruined my life, hasn't he? I can't even look at my favorite hero without being scared." She muttered to herself, a frown prominent on her face.


As Eraser Head watched her walk away, he remembered the look on the girls face. With those eye bags under her eyes, she looked more exhausted than he did— and that was saying something.

How long was it since she last slept?


A couple weeks had passed and Kula was sitting in her apartment, an open envelope sitting next to her and a hologram in front of her.

The image of All Might staring at her with a grin making her feel small. She already knew what the message said— this was her fifth time listening to it.

All Might was going to be the heroics teacher at U.A, probably the only reason he was on the hologram even though her exam was for the support course, and that she had just barely passed the written exam and passed the practical with flying colors. It ended with All Might welcoming her to U.A.'s class 1-H.

"So I guess All Might is a teacher at U.A." She muttered to herself. "It's a disappointment that I can't actually attend the school."

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