Chapter 15: Forced into a Group Chat

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The next morning, Kula was sluggishly getting ready for school, but before she walked out the door, her mom stopped her, acting uncharacteristically nice.

"Kula, sweetie." Her mom said, her calm voice sounding unnatural to Kula. "You've been home for a while, and so far, you've done what I wanted— I mean having you back home is wonderful."

"What do you want?" Kula asked, not being fooled by her mom's act.

"Oh? I don't want anything, at least for now. I just wanted to give you this." Her mom handed Kula a small device that Kula recognized as a phone. "Your father and I already have our numbers registered. Now, off to school you don't want to be late!" She pushed Kula out the door, leaving the teen with a few questions in her head.

Not wanting to dwell on the extremely strange encounter she just had with her mom, she started running, hoping to make it to the school in time, though as she was running, her mind was running with ideas of items she could use for when she ended up becoming a vigilante as well as what she could make that would aid her in her plans.


The day went by smoothly— except for the fact that Kula was dead tired. So far, she had been awake for four days straight, and her brain was struggling to keep up with the endless information that was being crammed into her head. By the time Workshop arrived just keeping her eyes open was taking most of her energy.

Halfway through Workshop, Kula had started to succumb to her sleep deprivation, her eyelids falling and her head in her hands, it wasn't long before the loud workshop chatter became distant, and Kula was asleep.

She finally woke up when someone was shaking her, calling her name.

"Wake up, school's over." A voice said, and Kula blinked her eyes open to see Power Loader standing in front of her, his hand on her shoulder.

She sat up and yawned, her eyes watering slightly as she tried to shake herself awake. "Thanks for waking me." She muttered still half asleep as she got up and placed the goggles on the shelf.

"Just make sure it doens't happen again, I don't like it when students treat my class like it's nap time."

Kula just hummed in response before walking out of the classroom without another word, making her way through the halls to get out of the building, and unfortunately head home. As she was walking, Kula spotted a group of three walking in front of her, all of them chatting happily, mentioning stuff about the Sports Festival that was coming up.

Right, that's in two weeks. Kula thought to herself. Students had mentioned the sports festival in her class before, mainly saying that it was a chance for all the hero course students to show off their abilities to the world and to maybe get internships, it wasn't as big of a deal to most of the kids in her class, except for this one girl, Hatsune Mei, Kula remembered, who talked about using the Festival to show of her inventions, or 'babies' as she called them. Though unfortunately everyone has to participate— unless they get disqualified, which was Kula's plan.

The three chatting teens in front of her started heading to the train station, while Kula turned the opposite direction, walking back to her house— not wanting the same experience she had the night before.

It was the same routine once she got home, her mom and dad forcing her to turn something cheap into gold and Kula locking herself in her room for the remainder of the night, having gas station junk food for dinner before deciding to finally mess with her new phone— surprised to see that she already had unread messages that weren't from her parents.

12:23 a.m.

Unknown Number
Hey Saito! hope you had a good nap during workshop!

Who the hell is this?

Unknown Number
Oh! I forgot to put in my contact after I put yours in my phone!
It's Kishi!

Oh. You. How the fuck did you get my number?

Mr. Annoying

And I saw your phone on the desk while you were taking a nap
it was unlocked so I found your number and put it in my phone

And you didn't think to put in your number on mine?

That's stupid.

Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering you put a
self destruct button on your invention in the exam.

Mr. Annoying
(ᴗ ͜ʖ )

Whatever. Don't expect me to text back anymore.

I just wanted to know who the fuck this was.

Annoying Sunshine

As she stared at the messages, a new one popped up— she had just been added into a group chat. Oh great, more people I have to talk to. Tapping on the notification, Kula read the messages.

You have been added to 'Support buddies!'

Unknown Number
kishi, who is this?

Mr. Annoying
It's Kula! Remember when I got her number during workshop Mika?

Pyro Punk
And I was telling you to leave her phone alone?

Yeah I remember

Mr. Annoying
Yeah, so I made a group chat for our trio of friends!

I never agreed to be friends.

Now can you remove me from this chat.

Pyro Punk
Why don't you do it yourself?


I don't know how.

Pyro Punk

Are you serious? That has to be the funniest thing I have ever heard

A Support Course student not knowing how to remove herself from a group chat

Kula read the message, her face flushing with a golden color in embarrassment, and she typed one final message.

...I have to get my English homework done.

Don't bother me.

Mr. Annoying
Wait, there was english homework?

Pyro Punk
Oh my God Kishi
how did you even get into the Support Course?

Kula couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the response before shutting her phone off to work on her homework, her thoughts focusing more on the group chat instead of whatever was on the paper in front of her. She might of been forced into the group chat, but she was considering that she might not want to leave it.

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