crusty ass brown hair

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"he's not going to let me live this down." you say to the boy laying on foot of your bed.

"yup." kai says with a bored tone.

"you ok?" you wiggle your way down to face him.

"no, actually, i'm not ok! call me ging cause your gon!"

"what happened?"

"ya know that fake bitch emily?"

"the blonde?"

"no the other one, crusty ass brown hair one."

"ew but yes continue."

"she keeps trying to talk to me like okay ms straight tiktok."

"tell her to leave you alone."

"you don't think i've tried?" he puts his face into your pillow and screams.

"sis, i threw a deodorant at her and she looked at it like she didn't know what it was." he groans into the pillow.

"so the emilies are back?" you sink into the bed, clutching onto a pillow.

"yup." he pops the p.

"great, one moment please." you say in a receptionist voice before screaming into the pillow.

"this is fucking fantastic." you say once you pick your head back up.

"after all they did? miss shoulda switched schools." he rolls his eyes.

small recap about emilies:

the emilies, also known as emily chinen and emily eto are two fake ass hoes that you are unfortunate enough to go to school with.

you, chinen, and kai were close in the fourth to sixth grade- practically inseparable. people even called you three the trio.

one day eto joined the group, she started making up lies about you and kai to chinen. at first she didn't believe what eto had to say but chinen isn't the brightest and fell for it.

some lies include
•you stealing her money, around ¥8000
•kai cheating off of her and then blaming it on her
•that you and kai would talk bad about her
•you slept with the volleyball team and that's how you and mattsun got close
•etc etc..

all were lies and very obvious ones at that.

after getting chinen in her side, t̸h̸i̸s̸ b̸i̸t̸c̸h̸ eto started telling these things to people outside of the group. these people have some brain cells and didn't believe her.

you and kai finally went to the counselor about eto and she stopped going to school for a while.

which leads us to now..

"thought she was gone for good." you scream into the pillow.

"if we ignore her then she will get bored and torment another person." he says, trying to convince both you and himself.

"anygays, let's watch fruits basket!" he says excitedly.

"yusss!" you grab your laptop and go to the website you normally use.. ..

thank me later ;)


IT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED! the sakusa x reader is now on my profile you should go check it out. 😘
also.. thoughts on the thots?

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