tax evaders

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i don't deserve you guys.. y'all are too sweet- updates are still going to be slow and i'm so so sorry baes

"it's really pouring out here." noya says when you walk out of the shop.

you shove the bag of items in your shirt and nod. "yea, i love rain but this is nuts." you open your tiny umbrella.

he turns his head to look at you, you slowly look back at him.

"deez nuts."

"deez nuts." you blink once at each other and start laughing.

"anygays let's get going!" you grab his hand, pulling him under the umbrella.

"i don't think this is gon work." he says and looks from you to the umbrella that barely covered you, let alone the both of you.

you nod and close it. "make a run for it?" he asks.

"let's go." you grab his hand and you both take off, sprinting down the street.

as you were running the rain let up some. you were able to slow down and a break from running.

you bend over, hands on your knees and breathing heavily.

"i. hate. running." you say in between breaths.

"cmon! it wasn't that bad." noya squats down next to you.

"not bad for you, mr i run for the hell of it." you grumble and push him away.

he lands on his butt and playfully pouts.

"my ass is wet now." he whines.

"sucks to suck." you smile, sticking your tongue out at him and standing up straight. you reach out an arm to help pull him up.

he grabs it, but instead of pulling himself up, he drags you down to him.

"well great- now my spongebob shorts are wet." you poke noya in the side.

"welcome to the ground." he says with a dopey smile and wraps his arm around your shoulder. "we have everything from water to road and lookey here, more water and road!"

"it's amazing! how much is rent?" you look up at him.

"free! this is a land full of tax evaders."

"i like how that sounds." you say with a big smile.

"just sign here and then welcome to your new home!" he says, tapping his cheek with his pointer finger and closing his eyes.

"hmm.." you pretend to think for a second. "let me find my pen." you say, reaching into your pocket.

his eyes snap open and he pouts slightly. "kisses only."

you playfully roll your eyes and lean forward to kiss his cheek, he smile brightly at the contact.

"i could get used to that." his smile grew wider, somehow.

"good." you laugh and use his shoulders to balance as you push yourself back onto your feet.

"let's get you back home cutie." he says as he jumps back to his feet, locking your hands together.

"oki doki!" you swing your arms back and forth. as you calmly walk your house the rain comes to a stop when you reach your driveway.

"hey look, it's a rainbow!" noya says excitedly, pointing with his free hand.

you look up and low and behold, a rainbow is right above your house in a perfect arch.

"a gay has been born." you say happily, walking up your driveway and to the front door.

"thanks for walking me.." you begin to say.

"thanks for letting me walk you! wait i mean.. yea! thanks for letting me walk you ho.." you cut him off with a quick peck on the lips.

"you're welcome." you laugh.

his eyes widen and a deep blush forms on his face, he's at a complete loss for words.

"i- uh- you just uh- heh.." he stutters.

"walk home safe okay? cant let my shawty get hurt without me." you nudge him and begin to unlock the door.

"o-ok.. YEA.. uh i'll get home safe!" he says, still not knowing what to say exactly. he turns around and walks back down the driveway.

when he thinks he's out of sight, he does a mary poppins jump and runs around in circles with his arms open like an airplane.

you watch from the front door as he jumps up and down, running down the street. and once he's definitely out of view, you walk inside.

"so.. that was something." you hear three voices say in unison.

Flirt~ Y. NishinoyaWhere stories live. Discover now