19: 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜

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With the sun now almost set, the sky almost completely dark, the three found themselves making it to shore, feet away from where Midsummers was happening. John B pulled the boat, JJ pushing it as they stopped the HMS Pogue on the sand. Y/n walked ahead, shoes in her hand, bare feet touching the sand beneath her, along with the two boys.

A jacket sat around her shoulders, John B's to be exact, making sure her dress was perfectly clean, or at least clean enough for Midsummers. Her hair laid down behind her back and over her shoulders, making it look as neat as possible. She held her slightly dirty converse in her hand as the three began making their way forwards.

"Can you guys believe this Midsummers shit?" John B asks.

JJ shrugs. "Of course I can. Happens every year. No matter how screwed up the rest of us are. So, like, what's the plan, exactly?"

"Okay, you two are gonna go in there." John B begins, holding his girlfriend's hand tightly in his. "And Y/n, you're gonna get to Sarah and talk to her, alright? You know what to say?"

Y/n nods. "Yeah."

"Hold up." JJ suddenly says, the two looking at him. "Are you macking Sarah Cameron?"

"Gross, no. Disgusting." John B replies, disgusted once again at the thought.

The three come to a stop, Y/n proceeding to pull her converse on, hoping no one, though everyone, will notice. JJ begins putting on a white buttoned up shirt as John B leans down, bringing the gun out of the blonde's bag.

"Are you kidding me?" John B questions in disbelief.

"No, I'm not kidding you." JJ replies.

"If you get caught with this thing, you're going to jail." John B reminds.

"Fine, but if I get ambushed, it's on you." JJ informs.

After a couple minutes, Y/n sneakily walks up, JJ walking up casually with a tray in hand. The blonde glances to his sister, giving her a slight nod, receiving one back.

"I keep finding glasses half way down the beach. Do me a favor. Try to keep them corralled, will ya?" JJ asks, looking at the security man in front of the door.

As he kept the man's eyes on him, Y/n sneakily walked right past him, knowing if she walked by him like JJ, he wouldn't let her through with the attire she was wearing.

"I thought you were security." JJ continues, scoffing as he walks off and into Midsummers.

Y/n finds her way through the crowd, finding her way outside in the backyard, e/c eyes landing on Sarah, who was dancing in the crowd with her little sister, Wheezie Cameron, the youngest of the Cameron family.

She begins making her way through the crowd of people that were dancing, hoping to keep out of anyone's sight. Especially Rafe or Topper, knowing they would try to corner her or something. Finally, Y/n finds herself right behind Sarah, tapping the blonde's shoulder, making her turn around, eyes widening upon seeing the girl standing behind her.

"Y/n?" Sarah questions.

Y/n nods. "Hey, Sarah."

"What are you doing here?" Sarah asks.

"I need to talk to you." Y/n informs, blending in and dancing with the blonde, who dances back immediately. "It's important."

Receiving a nod, both girls walk out, finding themselves in a slightly secluded area, hoping no one would find them. Once stopping, Y/n lets go of Sarah's hand, as she had been pulling the girl with her.

"Woah, what happened to your face?" Sarah suddenly asks.

Y/n shrugs, shaking it off. "Nothing. Just from my dad. It's nothing that hasn't happened before."

"Wait, wha—" Sarah begins.

"Look, Sarah, this is really important. Okay?" Y/n interrupts.

"What is it?" Sarah questions.

"John B, he... found the gold." Y/n informs.

Sarah's eyes widen, raising a brow. "Really?"

Y/n nods. "Yeah. And it's at Tannyhill."

"Wait. What?" Sarah yells out, quickly being shushed by Y/n. "Sorry. Shit."

"Look, he got the letter translated. He showed it to me. There was this coded message, and we need the plat map." Y/n explains. "Do you know what a plat map is?"

"Yes, I know what a plat map is." Sarah replies.

"It's like a blueprint of Tannyhill." Y/n continues, speaking over her as she didn't hear her. "It's got all the information on it. John B said that it's in your dad's office. And if we get in, we can find the gold--"

"Y/n, I said I know what a plat map is." Sarah repeats, placing her hand over the girl's mouth.

The Cameron girl smiles at the Maybank girl's rambling, shaking her head as a quiet laugh escapes her lips. Slowly, she releases her hand from Y/n's mouth.

"Sorry." Y/n sheepishly says.

"Hey, Sarah, is that you?" Topper's voice suddenly calls.

All of a sudden, Sarah pushes Y/n down, hoping Topper didn't see her. She knew if the Pogue was seen, she'd be kicked out, maybe even beaten by Rafe and the others. Quickly and quietly, she pushes Y/n towards the exit, who crawls off, hoping Topper didn't see her.

"Meet me and John B at the Hawk's Nest at midnight. Bring the map." Y/n calls in a whisper, receiving a nod in response.

Quickly, she finds her way through the party again, searching for her brother. However, instead, she found Pope, the two friends chatting with one another. Suddenly, a loud sound is heard, them looking over, seeing JJ being leaded through the party by a guard.

"Look, man, I can walk myself. I got legs. Can you see that, brother? I really appreciate what you did back there. Let me just walk out by myself." JJ argues as he struggles against the man's grip. "Oh, Mr. Dunleavy, I see you got your drink. Good, that's really nice of you. I'm actually gonna down that."

JJ leans forward, grabbing the man's glass of alcohol that sat on the table, drinking it whole, not caring about the looks and faces he was getting.

"What the hell's the matter with him?" Mr. Dunleavy asks.

"Sorry, sir." The guard apologizes.

"It's okay, everybody! Do not panic. Just leave it to the men and women in uniform, huh? Let's hear it for them." JJ exclaims loudly, clapping his hands.

Everyone in Midsummers fall silent, stopping their dancing as they look to the blonde, almost all of them holding frowns that a Pogue ruined their night.

"Rose! You look like Lady Liberty." JJ comments.

"Let go of him!" Kie suddenly yells out.

"You can't just boot him!" Y/n adds, coming up beside her friend, who grabbed her hand, squeezing it.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" The guard questions while stopping in his tracks.

"I invited him here." Kie informs, lying.

"Kiara, stop it." Mike Carrera, her father, demands quietly.

"I'm a member of this club." Kie continues, ignoring her parents.

Just then, JJ shoves the guard off of him, causing him to run into a table, making the crowd gasp all around them.

"Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon's, girls. Pope, you as well, alright? Rixon's cove. Let's roll." JJ loudly informs. "Alright, girls, come on. Workers of the world unite. Throw off your chains!"

Without hesitation, Y/n ran through the crowd, Kie right on her heels as she ignored her parents protests about her friends. Also ignoring his father's protests, Pope made his way to his friends. John B made his presence known in Midsummers, his arms wide open as he waits for his girlfriend. Y/n runs straight into John B's arms, who twirls her around, laughs leaving their mouths.

"Later, losers!" John B shouts.

And with that, the group of five quickly make their way out of Midsummers, leaving all the Kooks to stare at their retreating figures. The only person who held a little smile, was Sarah Cameron, wanting nothing more than to have friends and freedom like them.

𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐘𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝖻 𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗅𝖾𝖽𝗀𝖾 Where stories live. Discover now