Ch: 4 // Ep: 1

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Liv sits on the trunk of a dead tree, looking at the ocean. Whenever she needed to get away from her family, she would come down to the boneyard and just sit there, staring into the ocean. The sound of the waves always seemed to calm her down whenever her anxiety got a bit too much. It was her way of coping.

Olivia hears someone call her name and she turns around to respond to them. However, she was met with a spray of beer into her face.

"JOHN B- i am going to kill you!" She hops down off the trunk and runs towards John B. He quickly runs away jumping over the trees. Not watching where she was going, Liv trips over a twig, falling to the ground, clutching holding her stomach in pain.

John B suddenly appears in her eyesight, looking down in concern. Liv takes this opportunity to swing her leg around John B's, pulling it out from under him, making him land next to her.


It was later on in the night and the boneyard was now full of people. Kooks, Pogues and tourons filled the space. Liv walks up to Pope, who was sitting on a branch of a tree, looking lonely.

"hey whats up?" She slurs, obviously having to much to drink. Pope just replies with a nod.

"Hey what you looking..." Liv follows his line of sight, to JJ who was shotgunning a bucnh of beers with a touron.

"Oh..." She says, realising what was happening.

"How did you know you were?" He puts his hands out and Liv chuckles.

"Gay? Well, I kinda always knew," She shrugs. The two sit in silence for a bit

"It's stupid. He would never like me back anyway," he puts his head in his hands and groans loudly.

"Hey don't think like that. I've seen the way he looks at you," Liv replies truthully.

"Wait really?" His eyes widen. Liv laughs at him slightly. She slaps her knee standing up and asks "Do you want anything to drink?". The boy shakes his head and Liv wanders off to get some more alchohol.

She stops dead in her tracks as the sees a familiar face in the crowd. She spots her ex talking to some kook girls.

"Shit," Liv mutters, looking down at the ground. She tries to sneak away but her ex spots her and walks up to her.

"Olivia, What a pleasant surprise!" The sarcasm in her voice clear and the grin on her face went from ear to ear.

Liv wasn't going to back down though so she stands up straight and looks the girl in the eye.

"Alice, How are you?" She asks, trying not to sneer at the girl.

"Oh I see you are alone," She says looking behind her, "I guess I was correct, You could never find someone better than me," The group around her chuckle.

Before Liv could come up with a witty reply, a hand curls around her stomach making butterflies erupt in her. She looks up to see a familiar brown haired girl staring back down at her.

"Alice, It's nice to see you again," Kie says, in her uplifting tone.

Alice's face drops as she looks from the hand up to kie. Liv tries to hide the smile that appeared on her lips but it was impossible. She didn't know if it was because of Alice's face or the way Kie was holding and looking down at her.

Kie spins Liv around to face her and asks, "Would you care to dance with me?"

"I thought you would never ask," Liv replies and the two walk into the crowd and start dancing holding each other by the waist.


It was dark now, the moon high up in the sky. Kie and Liv were chatting about some random shit until Liv sees JJ grab Topper by the collar.

"Shit Kie," She points to the boys and Kie curses under her breath. They quickly stand up and run to the boys.

Liv reaches the pogues just as Topper shouts, "Dirty pogues!". Suddenly, John B turns round and pushes him. Liv grabs John B pulling him away from Topper.

"hey, back the fuck up topper!" Liv shouts, trying to stop any fight that was seconds away from happening. Topper pushes her out of the way, making her trip up and fall. Kie is quickly next to her checking if she's alright but all Liv could focus on were the boys.

Topper then punches John B in the jaw making him fall to the ground. Liv gets up and makes her way over to Pope who's holding JJ back from getting involved. Topper kicks him in the gut and John B groans in pain.

"Hey, don't make me drown you like your old man?" Topper shouts making anger rise up in Liv. She tries to run to them but is held back by Pope by the waist. The crowd starts chanting fight, fight, fight.

"Don't get involved, Liv. You'll just get yourself hurt!" Pope shouts , putting her down.

They start punching each other violently as the pogues shout "John B let it go,", "Please stop it!" and JJ who is shouting "Give it to him, John B!".

Topper lands a punch on John B's stomach, making him fall into the sea. Topper grabs his head and forces it into the water.

"He's fucking drowning him!" Liv shouts, not knowing what to do, "Sarah, get your psycho boyfriend!"

An idea pops into Liv's head and she runs back to JJ's bag, grabbing the gun that was inside. She runs to the two boys, JJ trying to grab her wrist to stop her but she was able to slip away.

She holds the gun to Toppers head and turns off the safety lock. Topper tenses and freezes.

"Yeah you know what that is!" Liv grins, tormenting the boy, "Your move broski!"

"Chill Liv!" Pope shouts from behind. A hand is placed on Liv's arm and she turns around pointing the gun at the boys chest. JJ looks at her with sad eyes, reaching for the gun.

"Give me the gun," His voice is soft and not at all angry. Liv freezes, letting JJ take the gun from her hand. She just stands there in shock of what she just did and Kiara grabs her pulling her out of the sea. The scariest thing is that she didn't even regret it.

"Hey you're ok," Kie pushes the strands of Liv's hair behind her ears.

Liv turns around as JJ shouts "Get the hell off our island!", shooting the gun twice. Everyone screams and runs off leaving just the pogues, sarah and topper there.

"Are you crazy!? You idiot!" Pope shoves JJ backwards. Whilst they argue, Liv sees John B collapse into the sea. She quickly runs over putting his head in her lap. She pushes his hair out of his eyes and repeats "I'm so sorry, Johnny,". His body goes limp and Liv shouts "Guys shut up and come help!"


The pogues help Liv get John B into his bed.

"Thanks guys," Liv says, rubbing her eyes out of exhaustion. They all give her a pitiful look but she tries her best to smile and they finally leave to go to their own houses.

She places a glass of water and some medicine on his bedside table and collapses into the chair next to the bed - not wanting to leave him by himself.


❛Pinky Promise❜ - Kiara CarreraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang