Ch: 25 // Ep: 7

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"Look he'll come around all right?" John B reassures, "He's doing a JJ thing."

"You think he'll go home?" Kie asks, staring at the floor.

"There's about a zero percent chance that JJ goes home," Pope replies but Liv shakes her head knowing he was wrong.

"He's probably given the money to his dad to pay off the restitution," Liv mutters. Having enough of the dull environment, Liv stands up and makes her way into the bathroom. She leans over the sink, gripping the edge so tightly, her knuckles begin to turn white. Then the tears start to fall. 

They were tears of worry for JJ, tears of shame, tears of sadness. However, they were also tears of relief. The past few days had been madness and it had all built up inside of her and this felt like a release.

After the tears had stopped and once Liv wiped the running mascara off her face, she made her way outside to the others but is stopped by Kiara who pulls her into one of the rooms.

"Hey you ok?" Kie asks, the worry on her evident.

"Yeah Im fine," Liv smiles, placing a hand on her cheek. She then leans in and presses her lips onto Kie's and pushes her up against the wall. Liv's hands are placed firmly in her hair and Kie's are roaming down Liv's body. 

Suddenly there was a cough in the doorway. They rip apart and see Pope standing there with his mouth wide open. 

"You..." He points to Liv, "and you are-" He stutters looking in between the two girls.

"Oh my god!" He shouts and the girls quickly pull him in and shut the door behind him.


"Who- who knows about you two?" Pope asks eyes still wide.

"Just sarah ok," Kie answers pulling him onto a seat and Liv finishes, "And it has to stay like that."

"How long have you..?" He gestures to the pair.

"Only a few days."

"Ok ok," He mumbles rubbing his head with his hand. 

"We didn't want you to find out like this," Kie comforts sitting down next to him and rubbing his back. 

For a few minutes, Pope sits there in silence, head still in his hands until Liv asks, "You ok buddy?"

"Yeah... yeah I'm just very surprised," He looks at Kiara and asks, "So are you gay?"

"Very straight forward," Liv mutters, raising her eyebrows while Kie answers, "Bisexual actually."

"Nice..." Pope nods standing up.

"Well congratulations but I'm gonna go," Pope stutters then runs out the door making the girls bend over laughing. 


"Gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning," Pope reminds them as he parks the car. 

"Ok but we gotta focus," Kiara says.

"It's gonna be fine," Liv reassures smiling at the pair.

"We got John B and JJ inside the well and me and Liv up top," Pope tells them, "Kie and Sarah will be outside transporting." They all climb out the car and Kie and Pope head to the back of the van while Liv walks towards the trees.

"Hey guys!" Liv calls raising her eyebrows at the box like figure in the middle of the trees. Suddenly, a bunch of fairy lights turn on revealing the figure to be a hottub with a familiar blonde boy sitting in the middle.

"Oh JJ what have you done?" She whispers as the other two join her just as bewildered.

"What did you do JJ?" Pope asks.

"I got a jet going straight in my butt right now," JJ chuckles but Olivia sighs, knowing he is probably very high.

"Ya'll should get in immediately you hear me?" He pours himself a glass of champagne and shouts, "Salud!" 

"How much did this cost?" Liv hesitantly asks not really wanting to know the answer.

"Uh..." JJ pauses looking around him as if he was calculating it in his head, "Well with the generator, the petrol, and oh hey the express delivery... pretty much all of it." He laughs, obviously amused by the faces they were making.

"All of it?" Pope asks, in disbelief.

"Yeah all of it."

"You spent all the money in one day?"

"Yeah burned a hole right through my pocket," JJ replies pulling his glasses down to his nose, "But i mean like come on guys, like look at this!" He exclaims, arms out wide.

"Finest in jet based massage therapy thats what they told me." Liv looks at JJ with a face mixed with pity and shock.

"Liv what?!" JJ snaps when he sees her face, "Can't a man have a little luxury in life! Come on all this scrimpin and scrapin..." His voice starts to crack as he looks at the trio, "I mean like you only live once right."

"JJ..." Liv starts stepping forward but JJ quickly interrupts her, "Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the cats ass. Come on."

"In the what?" Kie asks.

"In the cats ass. Thats what I named her," He chuckles, "Oh hey yo I almost forgot." He reaches over and switches on a disco ball that hangs from above and more jets in the tub start.

"Yeah thats right i know! Disco mode!" He cheers.

"Are you kidding me?!" Pope shouts, "You could have paid for restitution!"

"Or literally given it to any charity!" Kiara adds, looking at Liv for back up but she just stares straight forward not taking her eyes of JJ.

"Or better yet you could have helped us buy supplies to get the rest of the gold out of the well!"

"Ok well you know what I didnt do that!" JJ stands up, revealing a bunch of bruises on his stomach. Olivia gasps, clasping her hand to her mouth as she watches the boy break down, "I got a hotub! For my friends...  I got a hottub for my friends. You know what? Screw friends, I got a hot tub for my family!"

"JJ what the hell-" Kie starts spotting the bruises as well.

"I got this for you. Guys, look what I did for you!"

"JJ," Liv says, her voice cracking.

"No you stop being emotional. It's fine, okay?" He pauses, trying not to cry. Pope walks towards the hot tub and climbs in, not caring about his clothes. He throws his hands over JJ's body clinging on tightly to him as JJ burries his head in Pope's neck.

"I just couldn't do it," He sobs, "I can't take him anymore." Liv and Kie climb in after him joining in with the hug. The four of them cry into eachothers arms like what they were. A family.



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