Ch: 5 // Ep: 1

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The sun shines through the window, making Liv open her sore eyes. She stretches her arms out and turns to John B's bed. Her eye's widen at the empty bed.

She quickly gets up and runs to the kitchen to see John B behind the table. She lets out a sigh of relief until a voice behind her makes her jump.

"Well hello Liv," She quickly turns around to see Peterkin leaning on the wall.

"Oh Sheriff. Hi," She replies walking to John B. She spots his black eye as she remembers what happened last. He spots her looking at it so he shrugs, his face telling her that hes ok. She goes to the fridge to grab some Juice.

"So I heard that there was a fight last night," Peterkin continues, "and there was a gun involved," Liv freezes at the word gun.

"Gun? No." John B lies.

"Did someone get their ass kicked? Yes." Liv adds, earning a glare from John B.

"Did i get in a dust up? Yes. But gun, no" John B carries on.

"Don't worry I know who it was. I'll get to him," Peterkin says making Liv's heart drop. He was going to get the blame for what she did. Liv was about to speak up but Peterkin continues.

"All I'm worried about now is making sure you're in a safe home," Liv lets out a laugh but quickly closes her mouth. She knew this was a lie, The cops never really cared about the Pogues.

John B scoffs, "Yeah, super safe. Super sound, sturdy. You know what i mean? And Uncle T's coming back."

"Is what he told you?" Peterkin asks, "If he was coming, I think you should be allowed to stay,"

Liv raises her eyebrows, while she pours the orange juice into a glass.

"But if I stick my neck out for you, You have to help me. Tit for Tat," Liv wasn't shocked at this. The cops would never do anything if it didn't help them.

"What does tat mean?" John B asks. Liv rolls her eyes at the boy.

"Let me see, how could you help me? Oh I know, so a body was found in the marsh yesterday," Liv and John B look at each other, "Were you in the marsh yesterday?"

"Yeah, we were fishing for some drum," John B replies.

"You catch anything?" The sheriff turns around looking at Liv, obviously only just remembering she was there.

"Uh no, we were skunked," Liv stutters realising she wanted an answer from her.

"Strange. Fishings normally really good after a storm. All sort of things get stirred up," Peterkin points out.

"You came across a wreck yesterday?" She asks, looking at the two.

Liv quickly shakes her head - maybe too quickly - whiles John B hesitates and then says, "No,"

Peterkin sighs then looks back at John B, "You're skimming just above the surface, John B," Peterkin steps closer to him, "And down here is foster care, juvie. Pretty far drop for a smart kid like you. Up here is you and your friends doing whatever you want.

"You're an inch above the surface, John b. If i was you, I would start flapping my wings. Now you sure you didn't come across a wreck yesterday?"

"Yeah, yeah im sure," John b answers.

Peterkin kneels down infront of him, "It's better if you didn't, you understand me?" Peterkin gets up and looks at the two, "I'm going to look the other way as long as you stay out of the marsh."

She goes to leave but turns around to say, "I have dogs livin better than this, you might want to think about cleaning up," She leaves the door, slamming behind her.

Liv moves away from the table and sits next to John B, putting her head on his shoulder.

"What should we do?"


"Look I'm calling it off, alright?" John B says, "Peterkin said, if i stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCs," As much as Liv wanted to find out more about this wreck, she knew that stopping would be the best for John B. For her.

"And you believe her?" JJ scoffs at him.

"Yes, I believe her, JJ," John B replies with full confidence.

"An actual cop, John B. You believe a cop," Liv rolls her eyes at him.

"All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting the gun,"

JJ looks up offended and points to the blonde girl laying on the grass.

"She started it," Liv puts her hands up in defense.

"Excuse me?" Liv exclaims sitting up. Her four friends look at her with raised eyebrows.

"Ok maybe I did, but i did it to save John B's ass," Liv points out.

John B scoffs, "Yeah like Topper was going to drown me?"

"Sure looked like it," JJ says.

"I mean have you looked in the mirror," JJ walks towards him.

"Tell me some more. Come on," John B starts.

"They always win, don't they, man?" JJ leans on the pole, "Kook versus Pogues. They always win, always win!" JJ shouts.

"Look, it's okay-" Kie says but JJ quickly interrupts her.

"No it's not ok," He shouts turning back around, "It is not! They don't want to go down into the marsh, that means there's something valuable down there and you know it. I know you do," He points to John B.

"And i understand why you don't want to go," He turns to Pope, "You're the golden boy. You got way to much to risk,"

He then turns to Kie, 'And you, I mean, you are already rich as fuck, why would you bother?"

"You..." He turns to Liv and she shuts her eyes, ready for whatever he was going to say to her. However, JJ quickly stops himself. He knows what happened with her and her family and knows how triggering it is for Liv.

"But us," He corrects himself, point from Liv to John B, "We have nothing to loose, we really don't alright?" His voice cracks and Liv quickly grabs his arm to check if he is ok.

"And i know it didn't use to be that way for you two," Liv looks down while John B says.

"I don't want to talk about this," He shoves past JJ.

"So thats it?" JJ argues.

"Just get out of my way,"

"Look John B-" JJ says.

"JJ just stop," Liv starts.

He pulls his arm out of Liv and walks to follow the boy.

"Look John B, I have a plan," John B stops in his tracks, "You got the key to Cameron's boat, right?" Liv looks down to the floor at the name of her father.

"There's scuba gear inside, we borrow that and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon and that is what's going to save you, man," JJ explains.

"You don't see rich kids going to foster care do you?"


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