Ch: 19 // Ep: 7

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"Does it feel good to be back?" Olivia asks after exiting the twinkie.

"Hell yeah," John B grins, slinging an arm over her shoulder. Liv smiles up at him then looks back at the other pogues who were exiting the van. John B was right. It felt good to be all together, going to the Bonfire like they do every year. But her thoughts were ruined when JJ ran over to them, pushing himself between the pair.

"Oh god, I've missed you so much," John B smiles at Ellie, a fellow pogue, taking the drink she passed to him. The girl looks past him and at Liv with a wide grin and a wink.

"She just winked at me," JJ gushes, believing he was the one that it was directed at. And Liv was not going to say otherwise. Instead, Liv takes the drink out of John B's hand and downs the rest.

"So are you really going to meet up with her?" JJ says.


"The note," He adds.

"Oh, well there's no reason not to. She seems... nice," John B shrugs.

"Nice?" Liv scoffs. John B had never referred to a girl as 'nice' before. Especially one like her.

"What about Sarah?" JJ asks, before taking his hands and covering Liv's ears, "I mean, her father blew up right infront of her face."

"I can still hear you," Liv says but JJ ignores her, "Just give her a minute alright. In the meantime, shotgun right now. Like old days." He passes a beer towards both Liv and John.

"Hey, derelicts," A girl shouts, throwing a can at them. They jump back looking up at the girl who was perched on top of the wall.

"Hey, there she is!" JJ shouts, "That's you. We are out of here."

They watch as John B awkwardly walks towards the girl and Olivia shakes her head. This wasn't right. They weren't right. Sarah needed to be here... with them.

"3, 2, 1," JJ counts down, interrupting the girl's thoughts, before the pair gunshot the beer. 



Olivia stumbles through the crowd, eyes scanning the faces around her. "Kiara," She calls out, feeling her anxiety rise as she struggles to make her way through the pack of people. 

"Hey, you okay?" Someone grabs her shoulders, refraining her from moving. She looks up at Topper, finding it hard to breathe. "Oh shit, come over here." He leads her out of the crowd and to somewhere where it is less crowded.

"Thanks, Topper," She smiles up at him, "Have you seen Kiara?"

"No," He answers, looking around him, "Have you seen Sarah?"

"Sarah's here?" Liv's eyes grow wide at the mention of her sister.

"Yeah, I'm surprised I was able to convince her to come," Topper laughs.

"Uh," The girl looks down at her fingers as she mumbles, "Is she okay?"

"She's been better. But she's getting through it."

"Good, good."

"There she is," Liv follows Topper's eye towards her sister, who seemed to be talking to John B. Liv follows the boy and watches as he slings his arm over the girl's shoulder. Liv steals a drink from a random person next to her, needing something to help her through whatever was to come.

"Hey," Topper grins, "We should go."

"I don't what you mean," Sarah slurs, "I think we're just getting started."

"Good idea. You should go, Sarah," The girl next to John B sneers.

"Did I ask you?" Sarah retorts.

"You don't own everything, Princess. You aren't even together."

"Why are you still talking?" Sarah exclaims, getting all up in the girl's face.

"Have a little respect!" Topper joins in, "Her dad just died."

"Shut up, Kook! Back off!" As the pair continue to argue, Sarah walks up the John B and says, "She's a real gem." 

"What am I to you, huh?" John B whispers, but it was just loud enough for Liv to hear, "Am I just another one? Like that?"

"She's just another groupie that you're gonna collect?" Topper returns by Sarah's side pulling her back as she gets more agitated, "Did I mean anything to you? Did you tell her?"

"You wanna start some shit right now?" Topper exclaims, staring John B in the eye.

"Do I wanna start some shit?"

"Come on, John B!" A boy shouts from the crowd that has circled around them, phones out, "Kick his ass!"

"They all know what happened last time!" Topper shouts.

"Just get out!" Sarah shouts pushing John B back.

"Woah, Sarah!" Liv exclaims, grabbing her arm to calm her down.

"Just get out of here Topper!" John B shouts.

"He started it, Sarah!" Topper whines like a child.

"Hey, she don't want you, bro!" Kelce screams, standing between Sarah and John B.

This angers John B even more, "Shut the hell up!"

"What you gonna do, John B?" Kelce shouts, "Kill me like you killed Sheriff Peterkin!"

Liv returns at John B's side to stop him from doing something he would regret. But she was too late. John B punches Kelce in the face sending him flying back. Topper runs at the boy, pushing him to the ground and the pair wrestle on the floor. Before Liv could do anything, even more fights break out. Kook vs Pogues. Liv cringes as she feels a can of beer being poured on the top of her head. She turns around, anger flooding her face as she stars a the girl behind her.

And there Sophie stood, a former kook-girlfriend of Liv's, with a can in her hand and a grin on her face.

"Dirty pogue," She growls and Liv scoffs, balling her fist but something makes her pause. A scream, her sister's scream. Without a second of hesitation, Liv turns away and runs towards where her sister was stood before.

A familiar dark headed pogue stood above Sarah, looking off the edge. Kiara gets there before Liv, jumping down to help Sarah.

"Hey, what's your problem?" Liv exclaims, pushing the girl who John B had been with..

"Whose side are you on?" The girl shouts back.

"Side?" Liv laughs, "What are you, 5?"

"Traitor!" Liv is caught off guard by the punch that was sent towards her. She flies back, landing on the floor with a thud and her head crashing against the floor.

"Shit," She groans clutching the back of her head. A few moments later the boys appear at her side helping her up and towards the twinkie.


"Well, that was a little unexpected," JJ says, crushing a beer can in his hands. Liv lays her head on Kiara's lap as she checks the damage at the back of her head. Liv flinches at the cold beer that was placed on her head.

"Was it though?" Kiara says.

"Hey, maybe she'll come around," JJ taps John B on the knee, referring to Sarah.

"It's like everything that happened to us didn't matter," John B mutters. Liv stares at John B as he leans his head back, sighing. 


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