Ch: 23 // Ep: 7

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For the rest of the evening, Kiara stitches the cut on Liv's arm and Olivia shouting 'Motherfucker!' so loud it wakes up the whole Carrera household. Unluckily, since Midsummers, Anna's distaste for Olivia had only become worse; Anna sending Olivia some weird glances during the morning.


"He said it looked something like this," The three girls look at the piece of paper, with a bad sketch of their plan.

"That's 50 feet down," Kie tells them, sliding her finger along the paper, "and they're using 100 feet rope. So I'll guess this little wagon will go..." Kie gets interrupted by the Cameron's snorting with laughter.

"Straight to the gold room," Kie finishes, pursing her lips together, trying not to laugh.

"Who drew this?" Sarah laughs.

"Who do you think?" Kie chuckles. Kiara and Liv smile, wrapping their hands around eachothers. The best thing about Sarah knowing was that when the three of them were alone, they didn't have to hide their relationship.

"Kie! This better work," JJ exclaims dropping the gold bars onto the floor of the twinkie. The girl's hands quickly separate, earning an eyebrow raise from JJ who then shrugs it off.

"We can't pawn this if it has a wheat symbol on it." Kiara holds up a blowtorch and grins as she says, "It's gonna work."

They put the gold in a bowl and Kie uses the blowtorch to heat up the gold bars. Liv laughs at Kiara with her glasses on looking like she was having so much fun using the blowtorch.


"Hell of a job melting it down Frankenstein," JJ moans as they hop out the van. He looks down at the lump of gold and Liv snorts, trying so hard to not laugh. Luckily, when it came to who was gonna pawn it off, JJ was the obvious candidate.

"Like you could've done better," Kie retorts.

"I could have. I took a welding class."

"When-" Kie retaliates but John B interrupts pushing his way between the two.

"Chill out ok?" He sighs, looking between the pair.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this shit off," JJ waves around the lump of gold in their faces and walking into the shop.

"How did I get this job anyway?" He continues and the others follow him in.

"Because your the best liar."


"Afternoon maam," JJ tips his head at the lady behind the counter, "I see you buy gold."

"Thats what the sign says don't it?"

"Well i sure hope you buy a lot of it because im about to blow your mind," JJ smirks at her and starts to open the bag.

"I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it," The lady challenges.

"How about them gold apples?" JJ places the lump of gold on the table and the lady scoffs, "That aint real."

"That aint real?"

"It can't be."

"Feel how heavy that is," JJ nods to the gold and the lady struggles to pick it up.

"Lets get some light on that." She turns her flashlight on and rolls her eyes, "Spray painted tungsten."

"Spray painted tungsten? Really?" JJ scoffs. Liv and Kie walk around the shop staying as close to the till as they can They come across some sunglasses and Liv grins. She puts the funky orange glasses on her face, posing for a picture Kiara was taking. They were about to walk off but Liv quickly slips the sunglasses down her sleeve, trying her best to look innocent. However, Kie sees and grabs the glasses back to put on the shelf.

"You're no fun," Olivia pouts, slowly walking away.

When they reach the counter again, the lady puts acid on the gold gasping quietly after it does nothing.

"Well it aint plated and it aint painted," She sighs, obviously confused.

"Maam I'm telling you, this is as real as the day is long," He states.

"It looks like somebody tried to melt it down."

"My mom," JJ lies, "She had all this jewellery laying round the house and she thought it was best to melt it down." Olivia raises her eyebrows at the boy's quick thinking.

"Seven pounds?" The lady looks at JJ suspiciously, "Thats a lot of earings."

"To be honest Maam, it's really hard to see my mum fall apart with Alzheimers," He pretends to choke and and the pogues try to not laugh.

"Give me a minute," The lady says walking off, obviously buying the lie.

"Take your time maam." Once she leaves the room, Liv lets out a snort of laughter earning a disappointed glance from Kie.

After a few minutes, she walks back out again saying, "So I talked to my boss. And this is what I can do."

"Fifty thousand?" JJ scoffs, "You think I walked in here not knowin the spot price.

"Maam I know for a fact this is worth 140 at least."

"Well sweetie your in a pawnshop," She sighs, "This aint zurich. Do i look swiss to you?"

"Ninety or I walk."

"Seventy... Half price," She bargains, "and I dont ask questions about where you got this."

JJ looks at john B who puts is thumb up as a yes.

"I'm gonna need that in large denominations, please."

The pogues smile in triumph. "Well here's the snag," Their faces drop, "I dont have that much denominated, not here anyway. I can write you a cashier's check."

"Cash... No maam. I want cold hard, that's what the sign says."

"Well I'll have to send you to the warehouse I have money there. Is that all right?"

JJ sighs before saying"Where's this warehouse."


Sorry this is short again. I thought i would update quickly.

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