Ch: 30 // Ep: 10

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For those who didn't know, I had to change the ending to the last chapter. So if you want to, please go read it again but if not, Liv basically reunited with the pogues and just met Cleo!


"This one's clear, sir," Cleo's voice sounds muffled for those within the crate but just loud enough for them to hear. Liv grins, holding out her hand without looking behind her and laughs as a $10 bill is placed into her hand. Like always, the two blondes placed a bet on whether Cleo was going to stay loyal and like always, Liv won.

"Are you sure?" A man responds.

"Went through it inch but inch," Cleo tells him, "Nothing but tubes and plastic in there."

"What if the stowaway had been in there?"

"Well, he wasn't, so..." Cleo shrugs, voice trailing off, "Come on, man, we have work to do."

"Okay, she's on our side. That's good," Pope smiles innocently, looking down from outside.

"Pope, you're up," JJ says, "We'll wait for your signal, okay?"

Upon hearing Cleo's whistle, Pope pulls open the gate and climbs out. The pair's conversations quieten as they walk away. The rest of the pogues sit in silence until John B's head perks up and he walks towards the opening. 

"Attention, all passengers, all crew, report to the tween forward hull," A male voice rings out on the speakers, "This is an order."

"They took the bridge," John B calls out.

"That's my boy," JJ laughs, proudly, "Okay, split up. Once they're all inside the hull, Kie and I will  lock them inside.

"We'll get Sarah and get the life boat," John B nods, looking down at Liv.

"We'll meet you, load the cross and get outta here," Kie says.

"Okay let's roll," Liv says, "P4L."

"P4L," The rest respond and JJ climbs out with no hesitation. As John B jumps up to go next, Kie grabs Liv's cheeks.

"I swear to god if you ever pull some shit like that again I will-" She rants but is cut off when Liv covers the girl's mouth with a smile.

"Trust me, this," Liv gestures to everything around her, "will never happen again."

"Never say never," Kie winks and climbs up onto the box, holding out her hand. Liv grins, taking her hand in hers and following the girl out the container.


"Sarah!" John B screams as the pair travel through the ship. As they got further down into the bottom, the sweat on their foreheads and bodies grew.

Suddenly, John B stops. He holds out his hand in front of Liv making her heart beat quicken. They stand still for a few seconds, bodies filled with anticipation before jumping back in fright. A hook whips around the corner, barely missing them. Rafe's head curves around the side, grinning back at them.

"Oh, hey sis," The boy glares at Liv, "We've been looking all over for you. You caused us such a fright."

"Rafe," John B growls, attempting to push Liv back but she doesn't move.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you cared that much," She rolls her eyes, following John B around the side of the wall. Rafe copies them on the other side.

"John B... what the hell are you doing here?" 

"Just put that thing down, all right?" He tells the boy, hands stretched out infront of him.

"Why would I do that? Huh?" Rafe laughs.

"This isn't about you, all right," John B says.

"It's not about me?"


"This is about Sarah," Liv says.

"I don't know," Rafe turns his head to the side, "I think it is."

Out of the corner of her eye, Liv notices the look John B was giving her and she nods slightly. Suddenly, he grabs her hand and they bolt to the left in an attempt to get past Rafe. However as they run past, the boy swings his hook at them. It grazes Liv's knee but the girl doesn't flinch. Once Rafe gathers his footing, he tries again except aims for the girl's head. She is able to duck down just in time but it catches John B in the face. He flies backwards and onto the floor. Liv looks up at her brother in disgust, standing up. The hooks swings towards her and she catches Rafe's arm, stopping it completely. She then slides her foot along the floor and meets with his ankle. He loses balance, falling to the floor. His face contorts in anger and he jumps up swiftly. With more power than before, the hook comes towards her but she couldn't duck in time. It hits her in the stomach sending her into the wall of tools. She groans in pain, feeling blood on the back of her head begin to trickle down.

"Same old shit," Rafe curses, looking down at the pair.

"You don't have to do this, all right?" John B says.

"Pogues stealing from us," He growls, "You know, I can't... I'm not going to let that happen."

He swings the hook at John B once again. John B rolls on the floor, avoiding the sharp weapon heading towards him as Liv pushes herself off the wall, stumbling slightly from the pain at the back of her head. Her hand closes into a fist and she punches Rafe in the face, watching as he falls to the side dramatically. She grabs John B, pulling him up off of the floor. They run towards the stairs, Liv taking the lead. However, Rafe catches up to them, grabbing John B's ankle. Tugging the boy backwards, Liv reaches out for his hands to stop it but they slip out of reach.

As she runs down to help the boy, she is pushed back by an explosion. Rafe cries out in pain as the heat burns through his skin. John B crawls away from the fire and with help from Liv, they run up the stairs and out of the room.


"This one, come on," Liv whispers, opening the last door in the corridor. John B spins around and heads towards the girl. They slip into the room, hands over their mouths to quiet their pants. As John B guards the door, Liv puts a hand to the back of her head and cringes at the sight of blood.

"Shit," She mutters, wiping the blood on her trouser without a care in the world.

"Okay, he's gone," John B sighs, turning around, "Let's go."


❛Pinky Promise❜ - Kiara CarreraWhere stories live. Discover now