Ch: 4 // Ep: 1

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"Liv, are you sure you got the right address?"

"I know you aint talking to her about finding the right address," Pope pushed the blonde boys head, jokingly.

"That's exactly what i'm saying," JJ retorted and pushed him back.

"Look, the place says Vaux haul," Liv walked towards a mapped and pointed to the drawing of a house, "Vaux hall. It's on the map."

"Okay, but we don't know that's exactly where we are," JJ said, his voice slightly drowned out by the sound of a tractor passing by.

"It's in the general vicinity," Pope added.

"Why don't we just ask someone?" Cleo called out, "Hey!"

The tractor stopped and the man peered down at them.

"Pardon I. You know where we can find Vaux hall?"

"You kidding me, right?" The man laughed, turning off the engine, "Everything you can see all around you is Vaux hall."

"Wait, what do you mean? Like-" JJ started and gestured to the land that surrounded them.

"All this, all this, all this," The man interrupted.

"Oh everywhere," JJ mumbled.

"Okay, so who lives up there?" Pope pointed to the mansion at the top of the hill.

"Carlos Singh," The man answered as if even saying the name would bring bad luck, "On the other side of that wall. But, take it from me, he's no one you want to get to know."

"Okay, thank you." The tractor started up again and the sound of the engine trailed into the distance.

"Guys, that's the second person to say that to us," Liv broke the silence with a nervous voice, "I think we need to come up with some sort of plan."

"Oh, so now you want a plan?" Pope exclaimed sarcastically as he threw his hands in the air.

"You just gotta trust me," JJ joked, pulling the girl next to her, "Plus, when has my plan-not-to-plan failed you?"

"Okay let's see," Olivia sighed holding up her fingers and beginning to count, "That one time when we attempted to sell the gold and the old lady sent some nut job after us, when you guys tried to get Sarah and I off the boat but we then ended up on a stranded island, and-"

Before Liv could list the other hundred scenarios that proved JJ's wrongness, he pushed out his arm and wacked the girl in the chest, "Shut up and help me climb this wall."

Like the many times they had done this before in OBX, both John B and Liv squat down with their hands out. JJ placed a foot in the middle of their hands and pulled himself up; he leant over the top with a grunt and held his hand out to the blonde girl. She took it and let herself be dragged up next to JJ. Swiftly, she jumped off the edge and landed, gracefully, on the grass. Once each of them were over the wall and in the field (Pope making more of a hassle than anyone else), they immediately dropped to their stomachs.

"Guys, get down!" JJ shouted, eyeing the guards who patrolled the field in front.

"Okay, Portis wasn't kidding," Pope muttered.

"Nope, that's a fortress," John B scoffed, "This is much bigger than Ward."

"We've got two towers, patrollers, ATV, possibly snipers," JJ told them as if he was a spy in a movie.

"There's no way we are getting past that," Sarah said, defeated.

"We gotta help her," Cleo said, "We can take them. We just gotta stay along the tree line."

Liv didn't say a word. Her brain was too focused on the fact that Kie was in that house. Liv could not even function while not being able to know what they were doing to her in there, how they were treating her.

While she was off in her own world, she didn't realise that Cleo had run off with everyone chasing after her to stop. John B wrapped his fingers around Liv's upper arm and pulled her up and along with him.


As a group, they followed Cleo's plans, sticking to the edge of the wall. Meeting the end of the wall, they crouched behind a patch of long grass. JJ took the lead and stood up slightly, eyes scanning the patrollers infront. He held out his fingers up and began to move them in weird ways, as if he was trying to tell them something.

"JJ, this isn't one of your stupid spy movies," Liv hissed, "No one knows what you're on about."

"Use your words," John B added.

"They're right there," JJ finally told them.

"Why didn't you just say that?" John B whispered harshly while Liv had to contain the laughter that threatened to spill out.

"All right, what we should do is we back up, okay?" JJ said, "Because there is no way-"

Liv gasped. "The great JJ is surrendering!" She half whispered-half shouted, "Who knew this day would come?" 

"Hey, there's an opening down that way," Cleo spoke up, pointing to side of the house, "As soon as the guard turns around, we sneak in through the back."

After they all agreed on the plan, they follow the long grass with Liv at the back, behind JJ and John B.

"You know what we should be doing?"JJ started once again, "We go down, take the sewers up-"

"What sewers?!" Sarah exclaimed, turning around.

"This is all grassland," Pope told him, "There's no sewers."

A beep echoed through the air and they stopped, straightening up.

"What was that?" Liv muttered, feeling her whole body tense up as the beeping continues.

"I know this sound," JJ began to scan the long grass for the source of the sound, "Wait, what is that?"

He crawled forward and grabbed some sort of device.

"It's a game cam," Pope exclaimed.

"Oh shit!" JJ ran around, the game cam still in his hands as they all shouted at him to get rid of it. Just as JJ was about to stomp all over it, Pope picked it up again and attempted to take out the battery. 

"Quick, before it transmits!" John B shouted. And right in time (or so they thought), a single battery fell out the bottom. The beeping ceased and each and every one of them let out a long sigh of relief.

They stood in silence, waiting until Sarah broke it by saying, "Do you think we got it before it transmitted?"

A bark followed her question, giving them the answer they needed.

"No, dogs," Pope spat out, with a fearful tone, "We gotta go!"

They wasted no time and ran in the opposite direction. Around a dozen vehicles - that consisted of trucks and motorbikes - chased after them. However, the wall of trees blocked the vehicles from reaching them so the guards decided to use something else. Dogs.

Liv made the mistake of looking back. A couple of dogs galloped after them, teeth barred and slober running down their mouths. They reached the wall and JJ heaved himself up. He held his hand down towards Liv once again and pulled her up, only missing the dogs and their sharp teeth by a second. The dogs jumped up the wall reaching for them so JJ and Liv jumped down the other side, landing on their backs.

Liv groaned in pain. She stayed on the floor, panting loudly. She looked up to make sure everyone else survived the attack of the dogs and thankfully, they all did. 

"Series of bad decisions," John B spoke.

"What are we gonna do about Kiara?" Liv cried, trying to ignore the pain that throbbed in her lower back.

"We'll think of something," JJ replied, "But we are not leaving her in there."


So sorry, I haven't posted in a while, there's been a lot going on but I'm back now!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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