Ch: 17 // Ep: 5

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"Look man I can walk myself," JJ scoffs as the security, roughly, pulls the pair through the crowd.

"I'm a member here!" Liv shouts for the 5th time already.

"We really appreciate what you did back there. Just let us walk out ourselves!" JJ rolls her eyes, "Mr Dunleavy I see you got your drink. Good thats really nice  of you, I'm actually gonna down that," Both JJ and Liv grab the drinks on the side, clink them together and downing them.

"What the hells matter with them?"

"Sorry sir," The security guard apologises for them.

"Woah!" JJ shouts.

"I really appreciate the discretion," Liv says, sarcastically, tapping the man on the arm.

"It's ok everybody! Do not panic!" JJ shouts catching everyones attention, "Leave it to the men and women in uniform!" JJ starts clapping.

"Rose, looking like lady liberty," He points at the woman, who blushes red with embarrassment. Ward is about to interrupt but Kiara beats him to it, "Let go of them. She's a member and I invited him here!" Liv looks at the guard with a i told you so look. The guard finally lets go of Olivia but still keeps a firm hand on JJ. However, JJ pushes the man over, making fall into the crowd.

"Hey mandatory power hour at Rixon's, Kie!" Olivia shouts running up to the girl. She gets on one knee and puts out her hand. Kiara laughs, placing her hand in Olivia's. The pair run towards the boys and to John B who stands there, smirking at them. 

"Johnny!" Olivia screams, running into his arms. JB twirls the girl around before setting her down on the floor. They do the pogue handshake before all 5 run together, hand in hand.


"Hey guys, so like my dad's already gonna kill me," Pope worries, "So what's this mandatory meeting about?". It was dark now and the pogues were all huddled around the camp fire. John B looks at JJ who says, "Might as well tell them man before we're gaffed."

"You ready for this?" All three of them nod their heads, eager to hear the news.

"So the gold never went down with the Royal Merchant," John B answers.

"Oh my god. Here we go again with this," Pope rolls his eyes.

"No. Hear him out, all right?" JJ defends.

"It's been here the whole time," John B whispers and Liv gasps dramatically., "It's on the island."

"Are you serious?" Kie asks.

"I'd like to voice my scepticism," Pope adds while Olivia groans.

"I'm sure you would Pope, but can I please present you with my evidence, sir?"

"Proceed," Pope waves his hand, gesturing for John B to carry on.

"All right. So in my backpack, I have a letter from denmark tanny," He pulls out a old, wrinkled letter.

Olivia gasps dramatically again but then says, "Who the hells that?"

"Denmark Tanny is a slave that survived the Royal Merchant wreck. Check this out," JB hands Kiara the letter and Liv quickly goes to sit next to her.

"Okay slaves weren't mentioned as crew members on the ship," JB carries on as they read it, "but my dad, he found the complete manifest. That was his big discovery.

"So Tanny used the gold from the Merchant to buy his freedom." Kie whistles, passing Pope the letter, "After that, he brought his farm. Drumroll please, because that farm is" John B pauses has the pogues slapped their knees, "Tannyhill plantation."

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