Chapter 2

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I slept over at Sarah's house and we slept in the Druthers because it's the only place with air conditioning. I'm woken up by John B banging things around and I groan. I check the time and it is 5:00am. Sarah and John B are talking and I groan. "Would you shut the fuck up? It's too early for this." They keep talking and I groan smacking a pillow onto my head. I hate people. 

Finally he leaves and I go back to sleep. At a decent time in the morning, I am woken up. I go with Sarah to her backyard and we start up a conversation with a little girl. She tells us her stuffed toy is stuck somewhere and Sarah being the selfless, kind person she is, goes to get it. Of course the toy gets stuck in a place with exposed wires that are 14 000 volts. 

I trust her but everyone is yelling. She falls over and screams and my heart drops. I run to her and she starts giggling. I roll my eyes and help her up. "You're such a bitch." She blows me a kiss. "You love me." "Unfortunately." We walk together and Topper looks at her with this annoyed look on his face. I lay down in Sarah's room as she sits on the roof with Topper.

A few minutes later, she storms into my room and lays beside me. "Hey, what happened?" She groans. "Topper is a bitch." I chuckle. "What's new?" She laughs. "Hey, did you tell him about John B being at the boat?" I shake my head. "I'm not friends with Topper. So, no, I didn't tell him." She nods. "I believe you." Later that afternoon we go shopping for snacks to get ready for a movie night at Sarah's.

We walk past John B and Sarah greets but he ignores her. Of course she can't let that go so she makes me stop walking. "I'm -- I'm sorry, that's it? Not a, "Hey how you doin'?" "Or "kiss my ass?" "Your secret's safe with me?" We both look at John B confused as he walks back to us. She looks questioningly at him. 

"What secret are -- Oh, that secret." "I just got fired because of you. And I know you can't imagine that, but some people need jobs so they can eat." He smacks the food out of her hand and storms away. She glares after him. "What the fuck?" He comes back. "You are exactly who I thought you were, Sarah Cameron." She glares at him. "What about Emelia?" "Emelia was barely awake enough to process what was going on." I nod because it's true. I didn't even know he was bringing back stolen tanks. He storms away and she glares. "Asshole." 

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