Chapter 10

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I shift in the morning as I wake up. Because I'm the single one between us, I sleep on the floor on an air mattress and John B and Sarah sleep on the bed. It doesn't really bother me because I'm comfy enough on the air mattress. I can hear Sarah and John B talking but I can't hear what they're saying. 

Suddenly the door opens and the captain walk in. "Morning, lovebirds. Plus Emelia." I wave. "Coming into port. Best not be onboard without a passport, if you know what I'm saying." "Yeah, I hear you." "You guys can go on my bridge." We stand up and start moving. "Through here?" He nods and we open the door. 

We go through and he nods at us. We thank him and he tells us to stay put. We look out the window and John B looks starry eyed. Sarah shows him her family home. "Holy super Kook! I mean, maybe we could crash for a couple of nights."  "Hey, Dad, I'm alive, by the way, and I'm also thinking about getting married. Can we crash?" 

I look at her. "You're thinking of what?" They both ignore me. "Yeah, maybe search around the house for a couple of things you might have left. Like the gold you stole from us." "John B, we are fugitives." "Yeah." "In a foreign country." "I get it. Yeah." "We just have to be careful." "Yeah. I got it. Don't worry about." I look at him in disbelief. 

The boat starts to dock and we initiate our plan. We obviously weren't gonna wait for the captain to come back. We break the window and I climb out first, followed by Sarah, followed by John B. I guess it was a good idea cause the captain came back with cops meaning he was planning to sell us out. We run together until finally we can hide where they can't see us. 

Sarah takes us to a fancy hotel where we can hole up and I can already tell we have to act like we know what we're doing. Someone from the hotel tries to stop us but Sarah and I are pretty good acting. John B on the other hand could use a little work. We move to the rooftop. Sarah and John B have a light hearted chat which turns into an argument. I feel like a kid who's watching Mummy and Daddy fight. 

Finally they're done and they come sit with me. Suddenly John B pulls out a phone. I stare at him questioningly. He didn't have that before. He tells us he borrowed it for a minute. He makes us get into the photo he's taking, then he tells us he's sending a message from beyond the grave. He's sending it to the Pogues. I miss them, especially Kiara. I never told her the real reason I stopped being friends with her. 

We decide to go exploring when we hear some commotion somewhere the hotel. They seem to be setting up for an event. We steal some food when they start playing music. Suddenly John B and Sarah start dancing. I want to gag and call them disgusting but they're too adorable. I just can't. We decide to go back up and call it a night and go to sleep. 

I'm sleeping peacefully when someone shakes me awake. I look up to see Sarah. "Come on." "What?" "John B is a liar." I look at her confused then I realise. Fucking hell, he went to try steal the gold. I groan as I get up and we leave to go after him. We're walking when suddenly a suspicious looking truck stops in front of us. I look in the rearview mirror and I see the captain who tried to sell us out. We try backing away when suddenly someone grabs us from behind and throws us into the truck. 

It's now daytime and one of the crew members has gone to get John B. I'm so fucking mad at him. He specifically promised he wasn't gonna do any stupid shit like he pulled last night. Sarah is, of course, madder than me. We haven't spoken the whole time we've been here. We just stew in silence. Finally John B arrives and they throw him around a little bit. 

They want to hand him over  to the authorities but we can't let that happen so with a shared look we collectively decide to hand over the gold that we have right now. We hand it over to Terrance and he tests it. After confirming that it's real gold, we feel a glimpse of hope until his little snake ass tells us that this is just a rescue fee and he still wants his 50k bounty. His little henchman grabs John B again dragging him. 

"That's just one! That's just one! Hey! There's more! Look, I went Paradise Island, to Sarah's family's house.  There is hundreds and millions dollars' worth of gold in that house. It is an ampty, undefended house. She has all the entry codes." "Girlie, is this true?" "It's my family's house. The gold's there. And I can get you to it." He looks at us questioningly. 

We go to the mansion when it's dark and somehow we get in with the guard's approval. We get to the house and Sarah finds the spare key. She leads us into the house and I can feel my anxiety rising. This might not go as well as we want it to. We're trying to open the safe. I look at her. "Try your birthday." She looks at me like it's impossible but I egg her on. 

She puts in her birthday and it opens. They're getting the gold out when the henchman comes back in telling them that security is here. We all start running to the door when Terrance locks it behind him. My eyes widen. If they find us and John B is convicted, and me and Sarah are taken back to the Outer Banks, I can't even think what would happen to me. We sit behind a couch and John B says he's gonna distract them.

He runs around upstairs while Sarah and I go outside and grab the keys for the boat we're gonna use to escape. We turn around and Terrance is holding a gun. He makes us hand over the keys. We're fucking screwed. We run upstairs and John B has been grabbed by two security guards and suddenly he's surrounded. They're videocalling Ward and they're about to put the camera on John B's face. Shit, we've gotta do something now. 

Kook princess II Kiara Carreraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें