Chapter 4

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Today is the day of Midsummers. I don't wanna go. My parents are making me go anyway. My mum is helping me get ready. "Ok, baby. I don't know what happened, but I know that tonight I need you to paste on a smile. A lot of eyes are gonna be on us tonight and I just need you for one night to act like you're having fun. On the bright side, you get to see Sarah." She kisses the side of my head before walking out to let me change into my dress.

Just like expected, when we walk into the place, all eyes are on us. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't want all the eyes on me. I find Sarah and she's walking away from Topper. She grabs my hand and she takes me to the bathroom. "Hey, I haven't seen you in a long time." "Sorry, I've been busy." 

"So have I." She tells me all about John B and I'm not even surprised. The sexual tension between them is unbearable. We go back out and we dance together. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump expecting it to be Sage, but it's JJ. "Can we exchange?" I nod and he dances up to Sarah handing her a note. 

The smile on her face lets me know it's from John B. I've never seen her look that happy from something from Topper, or Dylan, or Jason, or any of the other guys she's been with. I have a feeling that he's gonna be different. That he's the one she's not gonna dump. She grabs my hand and she moves me away. "Stand watch." 

I nod and she goes up and I can see her and John B together. They're so cute. Suddenly Topper is beside me and they're kissing. "Hey, Topper." "Sarah is that you?" I turn him around but he pushes me away. Sarah and Topper argue and I watch quietly. Finally Sarah decides to storm away.

She grabs my hand and pulls me with her seating us down somewhere. "Are you okay?" She turns to me. "I'm fine, are you?" I look at her then I paste on a smile. "I'm fine." Ward walks up to us. "Hey, Emelia." "Hi, Ward." "Can I steal her for a dance?" "By all means." "I can get Sage for you if you want." I shake my head immediately. "Please don't get him." He sighs. "Are you having relationship problems as well?" 

"I don't wanna talk about it, just please don't get him." Ward raises his hands in surrender before taking Sarah for a dance. I sit there alone when a commotion is brought through. JJ is being escorted off the premises, but he's not doing so quietly. He even steals an old man's drink which makes me laugh a little, earning a few glares from the adults around me. 

I ignore them and suddenly Kie is yelling for them to let him go. My attention turns to her and I realise she looks really pretty tonight, but I shake the thoughts out of my head as soon as they came. JJ says something to Kie about a 'mandatory power hour' and soon all four of the pogues are running off together. I wish I had the freedom to do that. To say fuck it and run away from this place. I can tell by Sarah's face that she's thinking the same thing. 

Later that night, Sarah tells me she needs me. She's gonna sneak of to John B and she needs someone to go with her and be a lookout. I shrug and tell her I will. I wait for her, she takes me to where she's meeting him and I sit waiting for him, so I can guide him. John B reaches me and I nod. "She's up there." "What are you doing here?" "Being the look out. Don't worry, I know nothing." 

I zip my lips and he nods before running up to Sarah. Oh to be young and in love. Suddenly a hand goes over my mouth and I let out a scream which is muffled by the hand. No this can't be happening again. The hand stays on my mouth as we walk up the stairs. I can feel my hands start to shake as memories of that night flood my head. Finally we make it to the top and John B and Sarah are kissing.

The figure talks and I realise it's Topper. He removes his hand on my mouth and pushes me away. John B catches me before I fall standing me upright. My legs are like jello, so he keeps a hold of my arm gently. He and Topper start fighting as Topper yells. The next thing that happens feels like slow motion. Topper pushes John B a little too hard and next thing I know he's falling into me and we both break through the railing of the Hawk's nest.

The worst part is hitting the ground. The falling is terrifying, but hitting the ground is unbearably painful as I hit my head on whatever rock was laying there. The last thing I hear before I pass out are Sarah's screams and the sound of all the rain around us. 

Waking up in the hospital is a pain. I open my eyes and sitting beside me is my mum. I groan. Mum looks at me and her eyes fill with relief. "Emelia, what the hell?" "What happened?" "According to Sarah, you and John B fell off the Hawk's nest. You have a broken arm and a concussion." I nod quietly. "Is John B ok?" "Yeah, you were worse. You hit your head on the back of a rock. Had to get stitches at the back of your head because it cut open." I nod. "Fun." Mum chuckles before stroking her hand through my hair.

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