Chapter 11

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Sarah switches on the sprinklers and we watch as the water hits the guard holding the phone hopefully damaging his phone enough that Ward can't see what's going on. We hide as another guard comes up and switches off the sprinklers. They go back to John B. Sarah looks behind me and there's a bottle of pesticide. She grabs it. 

She looks at me and tells me her plan. She distracts the guards while I start inching closer to the truck. John B has the key but she's just trying to find a way for me to get to the truck without having to act with her. When she sprays the guards in the face, I start running as she and John B fight before running off.


John B gets in the front seat as Sarah and I jump in the backseat. John B starts driving but he's not going fast enough because a guard catches up and grabs my leg. His hand starts moving up my thigh and suddenly I'm back to that night with Sage. And suddenly the guard's hand is Sage's hand. "No!" I kick him off with my other leg and my breathing starts speeding up.

John B looks back at us concerned but Sarah just yells at him to keep driving. He drives faster and I try to calm down but my vision is getting unclear. Sarah takes me through breathing excercises and I just let myself calm down. God, I hate this. I hate what he did to me. Finally my breathing calms down and John B stops the car. 


I lay down in the back of the truck as they argue and finally when they stop, John B comes and helps me out the back of the truck. I sit in the middle of them because Sarah is still mad at John B. Sometimes being on the run with these two is like being between two disagreeing parents on the verge of divorce.

We go to see the Captain and his crew. We negotiate with them to help us get the gold. Finally they agree and we look at each other. We're gonna get the gold and we're gonna back home and prove John B's innocence. The next day we wait for Sarah as she calls Wheezie. She comes back and tells us Wheezie is gonna tell us the day that we need.

We sit around with the crew and we come up with a plan. Wheezie gives us full information. We can't even afford to have holes in this plan. There's too much at stake. We walk around with Cleo and she looks at Sarah. "How you go from living in Paradise Island to living in the street dodging coppers?" "Fell in love." "Big mistake. Only got yourself to blame for that one. Better not to care." I chuckle which turns her attention to me. 

"And what about you? What got you following Sarah and John B around like their child?" I look down. "Got threatened by her brothers cause I knew too much." She looks at me as if trying to see if I'm telling the truth. Sarah changes the subject. "What about you? How did you hook up with Captain T?" She shrugs. "Father left. Granny died. Was kicked out on the street. I had to find a way to take care of my self. So I was sleeping on a local dinghy when the mooring broke." 

I look at her intently as she continues her story. "I wake up, and I hear someone yelling, "You know how to tie a bowline?" "It was Captain Terrance. I go on deck. I've been with him ever since. It's not the best of times, but I gotta do what I gotta do, right?" She points at the henchman. "Stubby's security. Not the brightest bulb, but you ain't gotta watch your back with him. Terrance, on the other hand...he's a ram goat. Anything that's in his way.... he rams it over. Always two steps ahead of him and never really trust him." Cleo goes up to the kids Stubby's playing with and tells them what they need to do to help with out plan, for money of course. 

The day of the gold heist, we put our plan in session. I bop my leg up and down repeatedly until Sarah puts her hand on my leg as if silently telling me everything is gonna be ok. I hope it is. They drop us off before driving off and Sarah holds my hand. Sarah is talking to Stubby about who's in the truck with the gold and he tells us that there's three in the truck with the gold. I look at her. "Rafe and Sage are with him. Shit." 

Ward is surrounded with guards who are armed to the teeth. This could go bad. I start pacing a little bit. I was fine with seeing Ward. It never made me feel like hyperventilating. But seeing Sage, that's a whole different story. I don't think I can handle seeing him in person. He haunts my nightmares almost every night. Isn't that enough?

The plan is initiated and from what we can tell there's no hiccups. Finally the truck drives to us and I look away not wanting to see Sage. They get the three of them out of the truck with two guns pointed at Sage and Ward and knife against Rafe's throat. When they have their backs turned it's time for us to go the truck. We get to the truck and suddenly I hear Ward yelling he's seen us. 


Ward starts moving towards us and John B pulls out his gun rightfully so. Cleo lets go of Rafe and Terrance takes his focus off Sage. Sage looks at me but I avoid eye contact. "Why are you avoiding eye contact, Emmy? Remembering our amazing night together?" I don't give him the satisfaction of knowing how much that affects me. He's screaming over all the chaos around us. "I remember it. I especially loved the part where you were screaming and squirming asking me to stop."

Suddenly he's silenced by a gunshot. My eyes widen. Cleo looks at me. I know she heard what Sage said. I avoid eye contact with her and we jump into the truck and drive off with the gold and suddenly we're being chased. The gold is weighing us down and making us go slow and finally we just veer of the road and hide in the field to wait them out. We sit there when suddenly I hear a whimper. I look at Sarah and she's got a blood on her hand from a bullet wound. "I'm shot." My eyes widen. No, this can't be happening.

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