Chapter 14

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My parents, Trevor, and May run into the police station. Mum grabs my face. "Don't ever do that to us again. What the hell is wrong with you?" She hugs me tightly. Dad comes up next but no words are exchanged. May and Trevor hug me last. I feel the tears well up in my eyes. I missed them so much. So much. I look at them. "I'm sorry. I was scared. Sage said they'd kill me. He said I knew too much." My dad curses. "I still can't believe those sons of bitches get to move around freely. Fucking ridiculous." 

My eyes widen. My dad is usually a very calm person. Seeing him like this is weird. Trevor looks at me. "Nothing's gonna happen to you at my house. I promise." Dad looks at him. "She's not going with you. She's our daughter and you made your choice to not be apart of this family. You chose this gold digger over us." I glare at him. "Dad, stop it." He ignores me. "My daughter will not be staying at your house. Plus it's safer at our house because we've got an alarm system." "Which he can easily get past. I've told him how. My best bet is to go to their house because he doesn't know where they live."

Dad looks at me. "Fine." He looks at Trevor. "If anything happens to her, I'm holding you accountable." Trevor nods. They take me back to their house. John B's trial comes super quick and it couldn't go any worse. "John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty." My eyes widen. They can't be serious.

Chaos breaks through the room. JJ is immediately up yelling and Sarah yells for John B and starts running towards him. Some police stop her and Kie and I push them away from her. "Don't touch her!" She's crying and it's understandable. The love of her life basically got sentenced to death.  We lead her out of the room. All the kooks are talking about how this is a good thing. How justice has been served. 

"So sorry for what you and your family have gone through. Thank God the system works." Both me and Kie turn at the same time before Kie speaks up. "Can you please shut up? Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you." "He'll have his day in court. The jury will decide." "He shouldn't even be in court. You should, cause you're a murderer. You have a lot of nerve showing up into court." Ward looks at her. "I know you're upset. I understand you're upset, okay?" I scoff.


He looks at me. "You've got something to say after you tried to ruin both my sons lives with your lies? We opened up our house to you and you just did that to us. I don't get it Emelia, we were so good to you. Sage was so good to you." I shake my head. "No, you don't get to do that. Sage wasn't good to me even before he raped me so don't get it mixed up." People gasp. "Oh, don't act like you didn't know. He probably told everyone he could that I accused him so he could find a way to paint himself as the good guy." 


Shoupe comes up to me and he's about to grab me and I glare at him. "Don't touch me, Shoupe. I seriously don't get it. Why has John B been arrested? You have two eyewitnesses telling you the same thing and you just don't believe us. I have more ties to the Cameron family than I do with John B so why on earth would I lie about something so serious?" "There's just no proof." "And there's no proof saying that it's John B either. You're all fucking ridiculous." He looks at me. "I think it's time for you to go." 

I roll my eyes and turn away to start walking. Kie turns at the last minute. "It's not a coincidence that your daughter is sitting with us." She grabs my hand and we walk away. I'm so done with all of this. "I'm gonna testify under oath. I was there. I just need to get a hold of my sister." I look at her confused. "What's Wheezie gonna do?" "Wheezie is the only other person that knows that Rafe wasn't home that day." JJ looks at her like she's stupid. "Wheezie?"

Kook princess II Kiara CarreraWhere stories live. Discover now