Chapter 6

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John B and Sarah go back to Sarah's house and they offer for me to come with them but I refuse knowing I'm never gonna be able to set foot into that house without thinking of what happened. Sarah comes back after a little while and she examines the horrific drawing of how we're gonna get the gold with me and Kiara. We giggle together as we look at Pope who obviously drew it. 

JJ comes toward us and he has a blow torch. We're gonna melt the gold together cause we can't pawn it off if it has a giant wheat symbol on it. Kie starts blowtorching it and I stand beside JJ and Pope who are bouncing around like kids. When we're done, we drive to the pawn shop. As JJ exits the car, he's complaining.

"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr Frankenstein." "Like you could have done any better." "I could have done much better. I took a welding class." "You--" John B walks between them. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, shhh. Chill out, okay?" "Easy for you to say you're not the one who has to pawn this piece of shit off. How did I get this job anyway?" He walks away and Pope follows him speaking up. "Cause you're the best liar."

We go in and JJ starts working his magic. He's actually doing really well for someone who was stressed about doing this job. He and the lady behind the counter argue back and forth. She does tests to figure out whether it's real gold. When she does, they start arguing about the price and finally they settle on $70 000 and she doesn't ask where the gold is from. We all look at each other. This is exciting. 

She looks at us. "Well, here's the snag. I don't have that much denominated, not here anyway. I can write you a cashier's check." "Cash.... No, ma'am. I want the cold hard. That's what that sign says. Cash for gold. And that's what I expect. I'm gonna get it in cold hard." "Well, I have to send you to the warehouse. I have the money there. Is that alright?" "Where's this warehouse?" I wanna shake my head. This doesn't feel right. 

We get into John B's van and start driving to the warehouse. I shake my leg anxiously. This definitely doesn't feel right. It's like we're in the middle of nowhere. Kie looks at me and my shaking leg concerned. Suddenly there's a siren behind us and we're being stopped by the cops. My leg starts shaking up and down harder. Kie puts her hand on my leg to try calm me down as she turns to JJ to ask him to hide his stuff. 

Everyone joins in the arguing telling JJ to hide all his stuff. Suddenly a gun is put into John B's face and my eyes widen. "How about I see all y'alls hands in the air." I immediately put my hands in the air. Oh god. I knew I had a bad feeling about this. He makes us get out the car and lay down in the ditch. He starts digging through the van and we realise it was a scam. That old lady set us up. 

John B suddenly stands up and walks away towards the cop car. I look up at him and shake my head. Everyone else shakes their head. John B hides in the cop car and the other guy comes out of the van holding the gold. I tap my hands on the ground trying to calm myself down. He goes to the police car and suddenly we hear grunting sounds.

"I've got the gun." That's what it takes for everyone to get into action. We fight him off and finally he stays down. JJ takes down his mask and I recognise him as someone who dealt drugs to Sage once or twice. We leave but not before JJ finds out where he lives and tells us we're taking one more stop. We go to Barry's house and I'm so confused as to what we're doing here. 

JJ goes in the house and I'm still confused. John B goes after him and I look at Kie questioningly. She just shrugs indicating she has no idea either. Finally they come back out and JJ is holding a bag of money. Oh shit. I did not sign up for this. I did not sign up for this. I fidget with the bracelet that I'm wearing  anxiously. 

Everyone argues with JJ to put everything back. He ignores everyone and gets in the van but no one follows after him. When he asks whether we're coming or not John B glares at him. He gets out the van. "What?" John B steps forward. "We're sick of your shit." "Oh, my shit?" "Yeah. Yeah. Your shit." Kie speaks up. "Your pulling guns on people shit." "You acting like a freaking maniac-" JJ interrupts Pope. 

"Okay, Pope, I took the fall for you, man!" I wince. That doesn't seem fair. Like Pope can't disagree with anything JJ does because JJ saved him. JJ continues. "Do you know how much money I owe because of you." "I'm gonna pay you back, and I didn't ask you to do that." "I just did!" The scene is escalating and suddenly JJ is walking off by himself. Pope tries to go after him but John B stops telling him to let JJ cool down. 

We go to Kie's restaurant, where the others have a discussion while I sit quietly. Pope advises that we gather all the gold and hide it until we can locate a shop where we won't be ripped off. He suggests that we do it the next morning, but John B has to go fishing with Ward Cameron. The others initially disapprove and suggest he should just ignore it, but we realise it would be better at night, when JJ would most likely be back with us.

John B and Sarah decide to go home and I go with them. There's a few moments of silence then John B looks at us. "So welcome to the Pogue life. Is it everything you ever dreamed of?" Sarah chuckles. "And more." He chuckles and looks at me in the back. There's some beeping behind us. Sarah looks through the rear view mirror. "Oh shit. That's Rafe and Sage." 

I feel my heartbeat speed up. John B abruptly stops the van when Rafe cuts him off. I feel my leg shaking as Sarah exits the car to deal with them both. There's  a knock on my window and I look up to see Sage. He tells me to open the window but I shake my head. So instead he opens the door. I move as far away from him as I can. "And you always said you weren't cheating on me with a Pogue."

I try my best not to look at him as I wrap my hands around my knees. John B looks at me in concern. "Dude, maybe, you should leave her alone." "No, I do what I want with her. She belongs to me." Topper drives up and John B's attention turns to him. I'm just trying to breathe. The only thing I'm focused on is breathing as Sage moves closer to me. 

Suddenly John B grabs him and pushes him out of the van. I feel him sit next to me. "Are you alright?" "I just wanna go home. Please take me home." He nods. Sarah looks at me concerned when she walks in but she doesn't ask questions. They drive me home and as soon as I enter my house, I collapse on my bed. 

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